The Best Diets for a Healthy Heart - WatsonsHealth

The Best Diets for a Healthy Heart


Though a lot of us know that eating certain foods can greatly increase heart disease risk, it’s often difficult to change our eating habits. It’s not easy to avoid that you have been craving for almost every day, such as those chips, fries, hamburgers, ice cream and cakes.

Whew! It’s really so hard to avoid them especially if you see them in malls and restaurants everyday! However, with the right mindset, you will soon learn how to control your cravings and eat healthy food.

Once you have a clear idea on which foods to eat more of and which of these foods you should limit, you are on the right track in keeping your heart healthy.

How to Eat Healthy

Here are some tips for a healthy diet:

Control your portion size

Use a small plate or bowl to help control your portions. Eat more of low-calorie foods which are rich in nutrients and antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables. You should also eat smaller portions of processed food that is high in sodium, fats and sugars. In this way, it will be easy for you to achieve early satiety so that you cannot take in more food which adds to your excess weight.

Eat more of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.  They also contain lower calories and are often rich in dietary fiber. Like most plants, fruits and vegetables often contain substances that may help prevent heart and blood vessel disease. Try snacking on green salads and some fruits and nuts to get the right amount of nutrients that your body needs every day.

Choose whole grains

Whole grains are actually good sources of dietary fiber and other nutrients that can prevent hypertension and heart diseases. You should increase the amount of whole grains in your diet and choose refined grain products.

Stop eating unhealthy fats

Limit your intake of saturated and trans-fats from food. This is an important step that can decrease high blood cholesterol levels and can thus lower your risk for heart disease. High blood cholesterol levels can bring about a buildup of plaques in your arteries. This is termed as atherosclerosis and this can your risk for heart diseases and stroke.

Choose low-fat protein sources

Legumes, beans and peas are good sources of protein and contain less fat and no cholesterol, making them good substitutes for meat.

Reduce the sodium in your food

If you like the convenience of prepared meals, look for ones with reduced sodium. Be careful of foods that claim to have a high content of salt.

Eating a lot of sodium can contribute to high blood pressure, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Create daily menus

You know what foods to include in your heart-healthy diet and which ones to consume less. But don’t starve yourself when it comes to food as long as you know how to limit the unhealthy ones. Put your plans into action now!

Health is wealth! Take charge of your health now!


-Medical Observer

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