A clogged tear duct, also known as nasolacrimal duct blockage, occurs when the tear drainage system is partly or fully obstructed.

This obstruction can lead to excessive tearing, recurrent eye infections, and discomfort. Here’s an overview of a blocked tear duct:


1. Congenital: Blocked tear ducts are commonly seen in infants, where the nasolacrimal duct fails to open properly during development.
2. Age-related: As we age, the tear drainage system can become narrowed or blocked due to changes in the structure of the ducts.
3. Inflammation or infection: Inflammation or infection of the tear ducts, such as from chronic sinusitis or an eye infection, can lead to blockage.
4. Injury or trauma: Previous facial or eye injuries can cause scarring or damage to the tear ducts.


There are two main types of blocked tear ducts: congenital and acquired.

1. Congenitally Obstructed Tear Ducts: The most frequent kind of tear duct obstruction in babies, congenitally obstructed tear ducts are present at birth. When the nasolacrimal duct, which is in charge of directing tears from the eye into the nose, is unable to properly mature or open, it results in the condition. This may cause frequent eye infections, severe weeping, and eyelid crusting. Congenitally clogged tear ducts often clear up on their own without any kind of medical intervention during the first year of life. But sometimes, medical assistance may be required.

2. Acquired Blocked Tear Ducts: There are several reasons why acquired blocked tear ducts develop later in life. Typical reasons include:

  • Age-related modifications: The tear ducts may become smaller or develop strictures with age, which might cause a blockage. Over 50s are more likely to experience this.
  • Inflammation or infections: Blockage may result from chronic sinusitis, repeated eye infections, or inflammation of the tear ducts. Allergies, ocular damage, or other underlying medical issues may cause inflammation.
  • Trauma or injury: Previous facial or eye injuries can result in scarring or damage to the tear ducts, leading to a blockage.
  • Tumors or growths: Rarely, tumors or growths in the nose or near the tear ducts can cause an obstruction.

Treatment for acquired blocked tear ducts depends on the cause and severity of the blockage. It may include conservative measures such as warm compresses, massage, and medication to manage symptoms and prevent eye infections. In cases where the blockage persists or is severe, more invasive procedures like tear duct probing or surgery may be necessary to open or clear the tear ducts.


When a tear duct is blocked, it can cause a variety of symptoms. Here are some common symptoms associated with a blocked tear duct:

1. Excessive tearing: One of the primary symptoms of a blocked tear duct is excessive tearing or watery eyes. Tears cannot drain properly through the duct, leading to an overflow of tears onto the cheeks.

2. Crusty eyelashes: Tears that are unable to drain properly can accumulate around the eyes, causing the eyelashes to become crusty or sticky.

3. Recurrent eye infections: A blocked tear duct can create a stagnant environment for bacteria, increasing the risk of eye infections. Symptoms of an eye infection may include redness, discharge, irritation, and discomfort.

4. Eye redness or swelling: In some cases, a blocked tear duct can cause the affected eye to appear red or swollen. This can be due to inflammation or an underlying infection.

5. Discomfort or pain: Some individuals with a blocked tear duct may experience discomfort or pain around the affected eye. This can be in the form of a dull ache or a more noticeable sensation.


An ophthalmologist or eye specialist would normally do a thorough examination to determine the cause of a clogged tear duct. To confirm the diagnosis, they will take into account your symptoms, medical history, and results of certain tests. Here are a few typical techniques for determining if a tear duct is blocked:

1. Medical background and physical exam: Your symptoms and any prior eye or nose issues will be discussed with the doctor. They will also carefully inspect your eyes, eyelids, and the region around them to look for any indications of obstruction or inflammation.

2. Fluorescein dye disappearance test: This test involves placing a small amount of special dye (fluorescein) into the eye. The doctor will then observe how long it takes for the dye to disappear. If the dye remains in the eye for an extended period, it suggests a blocked tear duct.

3. Syringing and irrigation: This procedure involves flushing a saline solution through the tear duct to assess its patency. If the saline does not flow freely through the duct, it indicates a blockage.

4. Imaging tests: In some cases, imaging tests such as dacryocystography or dacryoscintigraphy may be ordered. These tests use contrast agents and imaging technology to visualize the tear ducts and identify any obstructions or abnormalities.

Once a diagnosis of a blocked tear duct is confirmed, the doctor will discuss appropriate treatment options based on the underlying cause and severity of the blockage. Treatment may include conservative measures such as warm compresses, massage, and medication to manage symptoms. In more severe cases or when conservative treatments fail, the doctor may recommend procedures like tear duct probing or surgery to open or clear the tear ducts.


The underlying reason and degree of the obstruction will determine the appropriate course of therapy for a clogged tear duct. An ophthalmologist or eye doctor may advise one of the following typical treatments:

1. Restrictive actions:

  • Warm compresses: Placing a warm compress over the afflicted eye might ease discomfort and encourage tear production.
  • Massage: Lightly rubbing the tear duct region might encourage drainage and aid to unclog the duct.
  • Medication: To treat any related eye infections or inflammation, steroid or antibiotic eye drops may be recommended.

2. Tear duct probing: In this operation, a thin, flexible probe is inserted into the tear duct to dislodge or clear any obstructions. It may be beneficial for small obstructions and is often performed under local anaesthesia.

3. Balloon catheter dilation: This treatment involves inserting a balloon catheter into the tear duct, deflating it, and then inflating it to widen the duct and restore adequate drainage. Typically, it is done while receiving local anaesthesia.

4. Tear duct stenting: In instances when blockages are more intricate or chronic, a small tube known as a stent may be placed into the tear duct to maintain its opening and enable adequate tear drainage. The usual anaesthesia for this treatment is either local or general.

5. Surgery: If alternative therapies are unsuccessful, surgery may be required. A popular surgical treatment called a dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is utilised to open a new tear drainage conduit that avoids the clogged tear duct.

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