SWEAT RASH2 - WatsonsHealth


Sweat rash or medically known as candidal intertrigo or intertrigo, is the inflammation of the skin due to the infection of candida yeast and bacteria. It commonly appears on areas where sweat can be trapped and accumulated such as the underarm, on the back of the knees, under the breasts, in the groin area, between abdominal skin folds and in the spaces between the fingers and toes. Humidity, friction and lack of ventilation on these areas may cause the Candida to multiply.

This condition is more common on people who are:

  • Overweight
  • Have diabetes
  • Have HIV or are confined to bed for a long period of time
  • Have sweaty session at the gym

This skin reaction towards fungal infection is so common that daily activities like running for the bus can trigger this to happen. It can result to uneasiness and embarrassment. However, proper treatment can quickly clear it up.

Symptoms of sweat rash include:

  • Red rash with scaling on the periphery
  • Stinging skin
  • Burning skin
  • Broken skin (in the space between fingers or toes)
  • Blisters
  • Foul-smelling odor


Sweat rash are often not serious, thus it may not need clinical diagnosis. However, if sweat rash does not respond to treatment, your doctor may consider to performed several tests to know if there is an underlying problem that cause it.



Antifungal creams such as Clotrimazole are effective on treating sweat rash. Anti-inflammatory creams like Hydrocortisone are used to treat symptoms of skin infection such as redness, itching and burning sensation.



There are several ways to keep away from having sweat rash. This includes:

  • Keeping the skin dry
  • Keeping the skin cool and exposed to air
  • Patting the skin dry instead of rubbing it. Rubbing may damage the skin and help spread infection.
  • Keeping the skin moisturize or applying skin barrier protectant cream
  • Washing the hands regularly
  • Avoiding tight clothes that may irritate sensitive areas
  • Avoid sweaty activities if possible.
  • Avoid clothes that are made of lycra and nylon. These materials may reduce the amount of air that reaches the skin.

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