Shigella infection is an intestine infection brought on by members of the shigella bacterium family. The primary symptom is diarrhea, which is frequently bloody. Shigella spreads quickly. When individuals come into contact with and ingest minute quantities of germs from an infected person’s feces, they get infected with shigella. 

For instance, this might occur in a childcare facility when staff members don’t thoroughly wash their hands after changing diapers or assisting young children with potty training. Shigella bacteria can also spread through contaminated food, contaminated water, and by swimming or drinking.


Shigella infection signs and symptoms typically appear a day or two after first coming into contact with Shigella. However, it can take a week for it to manifest. Some warning signs and symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting 
  • Nausea
  • Stomach cramps or pain

Often, symptoms continue for five to seven days. The duration of the symptoms can vary. After contracting shigella, some people experience no symptoms. But for a few weeks, their feces can still be infectious.


Several illnesses can cause diarrhea, including bloody diarrhea. You must collect a sample of your feces to be examined in a laboratory for the existence of shigella bacteria or their toxins in order to diagnose shigella infection.


The infection often clears itself in five to seven days. You could only require replacing lost fluids from diarrhea, especially if your overall health is great and your shigella infection is moderate.

OTC Medicine

Before taking an OTC medication designed to treat diarrhea, consult your doctor. A variety of diseases, including some conditions that OTC medications may exacerbate, can lead to diarrhea.

An over-the-counter medication containing bismuth subsalicylate may help reduce the frequency of your feces and shorten the duration of your disease if a laboratory test has determined that you have a shigella infection. For those who are allergic to aspirin, children, and pregnant women, it is not advised.


This may reduce the severity of a shigella infection and minimize the duration of the sickness. Yet, some shigella germs are now resistant to some medications. In light of this, unless your shigella infection is severe, your doctor may not advise antibiotics.

Salt and Fluid Replenishment

Drinking water may be sufficient for persons in general good health to combat diarrhea’s dehydrating effects.

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