Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare skin cancer originating in the skin’s oil-producing glands. Cancer usually affects the eyelids, although it may occur practically anywhere in the body. This is due to the presence of sebaceous glands underneath the majority of your skin, particularly where hair grows. These glands produce sebum, an oily material that safeguards your body from microorganisms.

Furthermore, specialists are baffled as to why certain persons acquire sebaceous carcinoma. Like other skin cancers, exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation might lead to this malignancy. It may also occur in patients who have received radiation treatment to the neck or head, particularly young people.


Sebaceous carcinoma tumors often affect the top eyelids, which contain numerous sebaceous glands.

You might notice the following signs on your eyelid:

  • Red or yellow, thickened crusty skin around your lashes.
  • A bleeding sore does not heal, or heals and then recurs.
  • A pimple-like painless, round, firm yellow lump.

Sebaceous carcinoma, if left untreated, may lead to:

  • Problems with vision
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Lower and upper eyelid oozing growths
  • Lashes fall out


The following tests and techniques are used to diagnose sebaceous carcinoma:

  • Skin biopsy. A small quantity of tissue will be removed for testing by your physician. Cancer cells may be detected using specialized lab testing.
  • Eye examination. You should see an eye doctor when you have sebaceous carcinoma on your upper eyelid. The ophthalmologist will thoroughly examine your eye and eyelid.
  • Skin examination. To understand your problem, your doctor will thoroughly examine your skin.


Surgery to eliminate the malignancy is frequently used to treat sebaceous carcinoma. In certain cases, other therapies may be available.

Among the treatment options available are:

  • An operation to eliminate cancer. Your doctor might advise you to have cancer and part of the affected tissues around it removed. An expert will inspect the tissue’s margins to ensure no cancer cells are present.
  • The Mohs procedure. Mohs surgery is a specialized surgery that includes the removal of tiny layers of cancer-containing skin until only cancer-free tissue remains. Every layer of skin is eliminated and examined for symptoms of malignancy.
  • Radiation treatment. Radiation treatment kills cancer cells by using high-energy beams like protons and X-rays. Radiation treatment may be performed after surgery to destroy any remaining cancer cells.

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