Reflux in babies happens when food goes back up from the baby’s stomach. In healthy babies, reflux happens multiple times each day. Reflux is not a reason for concern as long as your kid is healthy, comfortable, and developing typically.

The illness, also known as gastroesophageal reflux (GER), is rarely dangerous and becomes less prevalent as a baby grows older. It’s uncommon for baby reflux to persist past 18 months.

Reflux in babies can occasionally be followed by alarming signs, including growth failure or weight loss. These symptoms may signal a medical issue, such as allergies, a digestive obstruction, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).


Reflux typically begins before a baby reaches the age of eight weeks and improves by the time they reach the age of one. Reflux in babies manifests as the following symptoms:

  • The baby becomes unsettled by bringing milk or being ill during or immediately after feeding
  • After feeding or burping, the baby swallows or gulps.
  • Your baby’s cries and is having difficulty sleeping
  • Loss of weight

Even if your baby has reflux symptoms, he or she will not vomit or bring up milk. “Silent reflux” is the term for this.


Your doctor will begin by performing a physical examination and asking you questions about your baby’s symptoms. Testing is typically unnecessary if your kid is healthy, developing normally, and appears satisfied. However, in rare circumstances, your doctor may request:

  • Ultrasound
  • Laboratory tests
  • Esophageal pH monitoring
  • X-rays
  • Upper endoscopy


A doctor or a specialist may recommend some reflux medications. If you are formula-feeding your infant, you may be given:

  • a powder that is used with the mixture to thicken it
  • formula milk that has already been thickened

If the thickening powder does not work or your baby is breastfeeding, a doctor or specialist may prescribe medications to reduce the amount of acid produced by your baby’s stomach.

A doctor may also require surgery to strengthen the muscles and prevent food or milk from going back up in infrequent circumstances. Surgery is usually reserved for those who have exhausted all other alternatives or who have severe reflux.

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