Penile cancer, often known as cancer of the penis, is a rare kind of cancer that attacks the skin and tissues of the penis. It happens when healthy cells in the penis usually become malignant and begin to grow uncontrollably, resulting in the formation of a tumor


There are many types of penile cancer, including:


Symptoms of penile cancer may include:

  • Skin thickness or color changes
  • Foul-smelling discharge from behind your foreskin 
  • Lump on the penis
  • Lump beneath your groin’s skin
  • Rash or tiny crusty pimples on your penis resemble an unhealed scab.


To diagnose penile cancer, your doctor will examine you and ask you about your symptoms. Your doctor also may suggest further testing, such as:

Biopsy. A tiny tissue sample is taken from a skin lesion on your penis by your doctor. Cancer cells are detected through lab testing.

Cystoscopy. It is a diagnostic procedure that employs the use of a cystoscope. A cystoscope is a narrow tube with a tiny camera and light attached to one end. This enables your doctor to examine the various parts of the penis and surrounding tissues to assess if cancer has spread.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging. An MRI of the penis is performed to ensure that cancer has not spread to the deeper tissues of the penis.


The following are some of the most common therapies for noninvasive penile cancer:

Laser treatment. It is used to eliminate tumors and cancer cells, high-intensity light is concentrated.

Circumcision. The penis’s foreskin is peeled during this treatment.

Chemotherapy. An aggressive kind of chemical medication treatment aids in the elimination of cancer cells in the body.

Radiation procedure. Tumors are shrunk, and cancer cells are killed by high-energy radiation.

Cryosurgery. Tumors are frozen and removed using liquid nitrogen.

Invasive penile cancer necessitates significant surgery. Among the surgical possibilities are the following:

Excisional surgery. The surgeon will remove the tumor and damaged region from the penis, leaving a margin of healthy tissue and skin. 

Partial Penectomy. This involves the removal of a portion of the penis.


Moh’s Surgery. This is to remove as little tissue as possible while removing all cancer cells. 

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