A parainfluenza is a group of viruses called human parainfluenza viruses (HPIV). This collection of viruses contains four types that generate different symptoms and disorders. Every HPIV variant results in an upper or lower respiratory tract infection.


Parainfluenza comes in four variations. They all result in respiratory infection, but the type of illness, the symptoms, and the infection area vary depending on the virus you have. 

  • HPIV-1. Children are most commonly affected in the fall and winter by this primary cause of croup.
  • HPIV-2. This major cause of croup primarily affects children in the fall and winter.
  • HPIV-3. Mostly connected to pneumonia and bronchitis, prevalent in the spring and summer but can occur all year.
  • HPIV-4. The least common of the four; there are no seasonal tendencies.


The four main types of parainfluenza have a lot of cold-like symptoms. They consist of:

  • Chest Pain
  • Fever
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Runny Nose
  • Cough
  • Sore Throat
  • Wheezing
  • Stuffy Nose


If your symptoms resemble those of HPIVs, your doctor may do a physical examination to confirm this. Your doctor could take a throat or nose sample for a more precise diagnosis. They can locate and recognize a virus in cell culture. By identifying the antigens your body produces to combat the virus, your doctor can also identify a specific virus.

Your doctor may prescribe a chest CT scan or an X-ray of your chest. These imaging methods give your doctor a view of what’s going on in your respiratory system. Moreover, your doctor can assess your symptoms using X-rays and CT scans to see how severe they are and whether you have any complications, such as pneumonia.


There is no cure to get rid of Parainfluenza from your body. You must just let Parainfluenza progress if you have one.

The following over-the-counter medicines can be used to address symptoms:

  • Medications such as acetaminophen or aspirin
  • Saline nose drops

However, it’s crucial to remember that you shouldn’t give aspirin to kids and teens who have a fever and a viral infection. When aspirin is used to treat a viral disease, fatal disease is associated with it.

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