Orthorexia is a term used to describe an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. It is not an officially recognized medical or psychiatric disorder but is considered a disordered eating pattern. Individuals with orthorexia may have an extreme preoccupation with the quality and purity of their food, showing a rigid adherence to strict dietary rules and restrictions.

People with orthorexia often spend a significant amount of time and effort planning, purchasing, preparing, and consuming their food. They may avoid certain food groups or specific ingredients that they believe are unhealthy, toxic, or impure. This obsession with healthy eating can lead to significant distress, impair social functioning, and negatively impact overall well-being.

It is essential to distinguish orthorexia from simply having a healthy focus on nutrition and making informed food choices. Orthorexia involves an unhealthy fixation and an impaired ability to maintain a balanced approach to eating.

If you suspect you or someone you know may have orthorexia, it is important to seek help from a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian or mental health practitioner. They can provide a proper assessment, diagnosis, and guide one towards a healthier relationship with food and eating.


When discussing orthorexia, it is important to note that it is not officially recognized as a specific disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). However, some experts have proposed different subtypes or patterns of orthorexic behavior based on observed characteristics. These subtypes are not universally agreed upon, but they can help provide a better understanding of the different ways in which orthorexia can manifest. Here are a few examples:

1. “Health Fanatic” subtype: Individuals in this subtype are highly focused on healthy eating and may follow strict dietary rules to the point of obsession. They may spend excessive time researching and analyzing the nutritional content of foods and may avoid entire food groups or specific ingredients they deem “unhealthy” or “impure.”

2. “Pure Food” subtype: People in this subtype have an intense desire to eat only “pure” or “clean” foods. They may strictly adhere to organic, non-GMO, or raw food diets, believing that these foods are inherently superior and healthier. They may also be highly concerned about food sourcing, food processing methods, or the presence of artificial additives.

3. “Orthorexic Vegan” subtype: This subtype involves an obsession with following a vegan diet that is not solely motivated by ethical or environmental concerns but also driven by a fixation on health and purity. Individuals may avoid any food or product that does not fit their strict vegan standards, even if it is considered nutritionally adequate.

4. “Fitness-Oriented” subtype: Individuals in this subtype prioritize healthy eating as a means to achieve a specific fitness or athletic goal. They may closely monitor macronutrient ratios, caloric intake, and timing of meals. Their dietary restrictions may become more extreme as they strive for a certain body composition or performance level.


Orthorexia is characterized by an unhealthy obsession with healthy eating. While it is not officially recognized as a specific disorder, there are common signs and symptoms that may indicate the presence of orthorexic behaviors. Here are some symptoms to be aware of:

1. Obsessive focus on food quality: Constantly thinking about the quality, purity, and nutritional value of food. This may involve spending excessive amounts of time researching, analyzing, and discussing food choices.

2. Strict dietary rules: Following self-imposed or restrictive dietary rules that may become increasingly rigid over time. This can include avoiding entire food groups, specific ingredients, or demonizing certain foods as “unhealthy” or “impure.”

3. Emotional distress: Experiencing guilt, anxiety, or extreme stress when unable to adhere to self-imposed dietary guidelines. This may lead to feelings of failure or self-judgment if deviations from the strict eating regimen occur.

4. Social isolation: Avoiding social situations that involve food or feeling anxious about eating in public due to the fear of not being able to adhere to dietary restrictions. This can result in a withdrawal from social activities and a strained social life.

5. Preoccupation with body image: An unhealthy preoccupation with body weight, shape, or appearance that is fueled by the belief that only strict adherence to a certain diet will lead to an ideal physique.

6. Nutritional deficiencies: Excluding entire food groups or specific ingredients from the diet can lead to inadequate nutrient intake and potential health risks. This may manifest as fatigue, weakness, or other signs of nutrient deficiency.

7. Impaired quality of life: Orthorexia can negatively impact relationships, daily functioning, and overall enjoyment of life. The focus on food and dietary restrictions can become all-consuming, leading to a diminished ability to engage in other activities or interests.


Orthorexia is not currently recognized as a specific diagnosis in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) or by other official diagnostic criteria. However, healthcare professionals may still use certain assessment tools and criteria to evaluate individuals who may be struggling with orthorexic behaviors.

Diagnosing orthorexia typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian or mental health practitioner, who specializes in eating disorders. They will typically consider a range of factors, including the person’s eating behaviors, attitudes towards food, and the impact of these behaviors on their overall well-being and quality of life.

The assessment process may include:

1. Clinical interview: A healthcare professional will conduct a detailed interview to gather information about the individual’s eating habits, beliefs about food, emotional experiences, and any associated distress or impairment.

2. Screening questionnaires: Various questionnaires have been developed to assess orthorexic tendencies, although none are universally accepted as definitive diagnostic tools. These questionnaires may help identify specific patterns of behavior and attitudes related to orthorexia.

3. Physical examination: A physical examination may be conducted to assess any potential physical complications or nutritional deficiencies that may have arisen from the individual’s restrictive eating patterns.


Treatment for orthorexia typically involves a multidisciplinary approach that addresses the underlying emotional and psychological factors contributing to the unhealthy eating patterns. Here are some common components of orthorexia treatment:

1. Psychotherapy: Therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), is often used to help individuals identify and challenge distorted thoughts and beliefs about food, body image, and self-worth. It can also help develop healthier coping strategies and improve overall self-esteem.

2. Nutritional counseling: Working with a registered dietitian who specializes in eating disorders can be beneficial. They can help establish a balanced and sustainable approach to nutrition, address any nutrient deficiencies, and guide the individual in reintroducing fear foods or food groups in a controlled manner.

3. Medical management: In severe cases of orthorexia, medical management may be necessary to address any physical complications or nutritional deficiencies that have arisen from the restrictive eating patterns. This may involve regular monitoring of vital signs, blood tests, and the development of a structured meal plan.

4. Support groups: Joining support groups or engaging in peer support can be valuable for individuals with orthorexia. Connecting with others who have similar experiences can provide validation, encouragement, and a sense of community.

5. Addressing underlying issues: It is important to explore and address any underlying psychological or emotional issues that may contribute to the development and maintenance of orthorexic behaviors. This may involve addressing perfectionism, anxiety, low self-esteem, or traumatic experiences through additional therapy modalities.

6. Education and awareness: Providing psychoeducation about balanced nutrition, the dangers of excessive dietary restrictions, and the importance of a flexible and intuitive approach to eating can help individuals develop a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

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