ORAL HEALTH - WatsonsHealth


Oral health is basic to general health and well being and personal satisfaction. It is a condition that makes you pain-free and risk-free from any harm that may involve your mouth, oral cavity and throat. Risk factors for oral illnesses include undesirable eating habits, tobacco use, unsafe liquor use, and poor oral cleanliness.

Gum disease or gingivitis is a milder type of gum illness. Symptoms include gums that are red, tender, or swollen. The most widely recognized reason for gingivitis is poor oral hygiene. It’s essential to have oral cleanliness to treat gum disease. Gum disease can cause more genuine gum issues, for example, periodontitis or tooth loss.

Periodontal disease is a gum illness that is caused by microscopic organisms in dental plaque which gives rise to infections around the teeth. The two usual periodontal infections are gum disease and periodontitis. The symptoms of periodontal disease include bad breath, swollen gums, painful biting, loose teeth and sensitive teeth.

Tooth decay or tooth cavities happen when microorganisms create acid that pulverizes the tooth’s lacquer and its hidden layer, the dentin. Symptoms of tooth decay are toothache, tooth sensitivity to sweet or hot or cool beverages and pain while biting. Brushing and flossing every day lessens plaque and microscopic organisms in your mouth.

Symptoms of oral disease include the following:

  • Toothaches
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Bleeding or sore gums
  • Mouth sores
  • Bad breath 
  • Jaw pain or popping or clicking in the jaw
  • Dry mouth
  • Oral infection
  • Cracked or broken tooth


Your dentist may review your dental and medical history and conditions that may add to your symptoms. He or she may examine your teeth, gums, tongue or mouth for inflammation or plaques. A dental probe may be used to see the condition of the area between the gums and teeth. If there are pockets that measure more than 4mm on the gum line, you may have gum disease.

Dental X-rays may be requested to check for any bone problems in territories with deep pockets.

Different tests as required. Your dental practitioner may suggest that you get a medical assessment to check for basic medical conditions.



Professional dental cleaning

Dental cleaning will include evacuating all hints of plaque, tartar and bacterial buildup, a strategy known as scaling and root planning. Scaling expels tartar and microorganisms from your tooth surfaces and underneath your gums. Root planning evacuates the bacterial deposits delivered by inflammation, smooths the root surfaces, hindering further development of tartar and microorganisms, and permits appropriate healing. The method is done using lasers, ultrasound or other gadgets.

Dental restoration

Misaligned teeth or inadequately fitting crowns, bridges or other dental work may chafe your gums and make it harder to evacuate plaque amid daily oral considerations. If issues with your teeth or dental restorations add to your gum disease, your dental practitioner may suggest settling these issues.

Ongoing care
Your dentist will enable you to design a compelling at-home program and a calendar of regular dental checkups and cleaning.











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