Opisthorchis infection is a parasitic illness brought on by members of the Opisthorchis family. Cholangiocarcinoma, a dangerous biliary tract malignancy, may develop due to persistent infection. It is listed on the World Health Organization’s list of non-existent tropical illnesses with paragonimiasis, clonorchiasis, and fascioliasis as a foodborne trematode infection. The signs of Opisthorchis infection, which mimics clonorchiasis, vary on the number of worms present and the length of the illness.


A majority of infected people show no symptoms. When symptoms do arise, they may be any of the following:

  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Abdomen Pain
  • Diarrhea

Hepatomegaly and malnutrition may be present, along with more severe symptoms in persistent infections. The following are the consequences:


The sole method for identifying an Opisthorchis infection is to examine the stool for hepatic parasite eggs during an Ova and parasite (O&P) check. More than one feces sample may be required to locate the eggs. Although the eggs of Opisthorchis and Clonorchis (another hepatic parasite) are strikingly similar, they may be separated by microscopic characteristics.

Furthermore, physicians may sometimes use the following methods to find parasite cysts:

  • Ultrasound. Worms may sometimes be seen in the pancreas or the liver when an ultrasound is performed.
  • CT & MRI. Your doctor may identify worms obstructing the liver or pancreas ducts by using any of these tests, which provide precise pictures of the interior structures.


Praziquantel and albendazole are the recommended medications for treating an infection caused by an Opisthorchis infection.

  • Praziquantel (75 mg/kg) . Three dosages are administered in one day. Praziquantel makes the worm’s tegument more porous, which causes the fluke’s tegumental syncytium to vacuolate and constrict.
  • Albendazole (10 mg/kg). Administered daily for seven days and as an alternate treatment for C. Sinensis disease. The specific parasite determines the dosage regimen for albendazole, which is taken orally as pills (200 mg or 400 mg) or as a solution (2 percent or 4 percent). Tablets may be crushed, crumbled, or combined with food before being eaten whole.

Children’s bile abnormalities are often reversible, but seniors’ long-term infection-related damage heals slowly. The proper antibiotic treatment is used to cure recurrent pyogenic cholecystitis.

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