A nosebleed means that there is bleeding from the nose which may be from its blood vessels. It is also called epistaxis.

Nosebleed may be due to too much dryness of the nasal membranes and nose picking. You can avoid it by proper nose lubrication not picking on the nose. Most nosebleeds can be stopped with home remedies.

If you feel weak and if you have other symptoms along with a nosebleed, seek medical help immediately.

There are two forms of nosebleeds:

  • An anterior nosebleed happens when the blood vessels within the entrance of the nose break up and bleed.
  • A posterior nosebleed happens within the back or the deepest part of the nose. In this case, blood flows down the back of the throat. Posterior nosebleeds are also dangerous.


Bleeding is usually from one nostril. If bleeding is persistent and heavy, blood can fill the affected nostril and can even flow right into the nasopharynx. This can let blood flow out into the other nostril. Blood may also flow into the back of the throat or even down into the stomach, giving the appearance of spitting up and even vomiting blood.

Signs of too much blood loss are:

  • Dizziness
  • Weakness
  • Confusion
  • Fainting


Your health care professional will do a physical examination to investigate the cause. He will examine your nose for signs of a foreign object. Your doctor may also ask questions on your medical history and present drugs.

Your doctor may order some tests, which include:

  • Complete blood count
  • Nasal endoscopy
  • Partial thromboplastin time
  • CT scan of the nose
  • X-ray of the face and nose



You can treat a nosebleed with home remedies. While sitting up, squeeze the soft part of your nose. Ensure that your nostrils are completely closed. Maintain your nostrils closed for 10 minutes, lean forward, and breathe by way of your mouth.

Don’t lie down when treating a nosebleed. Bending down can result in swallowing blood and may irritate your stomach. Free up your nostrils after 10 minutes and check to view if the bleeding has stopped. Repeat these steps if bleeding continue.

You can also apply cold compress over the bridge of your nose or use a nasal spray decongestant to close off the small blood vessels.

See your medical professional if you are unable to stop a nosebleed on your own.

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