New Flu Vaccine Recommendations

Here are the key points of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated recommendations on the use of flu vaccines for the 2021-2022 influenza season:

  • No changes to the recommendation that all persons 6 months of age and older should get the flu vaccine.
  • The flu vaccine may be co-administered with other vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Flu vaccination of women in the third trimester of pregnancy can now be considered.
  • Children who require two doses of flu vaccine administered four or more weeks apart should receive the first dose as soon as possible.
  • For nonpregnant adults, flu vaccination early in the season should be avoided unless there is concern that vaccination may not be possible later.


The updated recommendations prioritize flu vaccination for individuals at increased risk for medical complications to severe flu who do not have contraindications to being vaccinated. These include:

  • All children age 6 months through 59 months and anyone 50 years and older
  • Any adults and children who have chronic lung (excluding asthma), cardiovascular (excluding isolated hypertension), kidney, liver, neurologic, blood or metabolic disorders
  • Those who are immunocompromised (weakened immune system) due to any cause
  • Those who are or will be pregnant during flu season
  • Children and adolescents age 6 months through 18 years who are receiving aspirin- or salicylate-containing medications and who may be at risk of Reye syndrome after flu virus infection
  • Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities
  • Individuals who are extremely obese

Consult your doctor for more information on flu vaccination. Get your flu vaccine at the participating Watsons branch near you.


Reference: Accessed 18 March 2022

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