MMRV vaccine and febrile seizures have become more common for children. Fever-induced convulsions are medically referred to as “febrile seizures.” They occur most frequently with fevers of 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius) or higher, but can also occur at lower levels or while a fever is subsiding. 

This seizure sometimes occurs after the MMRV vaccine. Most febrile convulsions last little more than a few minutes. Nevertheless, febrile seizures in children almost always resolve on their own while leaving no lasting effects.


A child who is having a febrile seizure will typically start trembling all over and will eventually pass out. Sometimes, the youngster will twitch or get quite stiff in only one area of their body.

MMRV vaccine and febrile seizures may cause the following symptoms:

  • Having a temperature that is higher than 100.4 degrees (38.0 C)
  • Losing consciousness
  • Shaking or jerking of the legs

You should make an appointment with a pediatrician as soon as your child experiences their first febrile seizure, even if it just lasts a few seconds. You need to call an ambulance to transfer your child to the nearest emergency center if the seizure lasts more than five minutes or is followed by any of the symptoms listed below.

  • Vomiting
  • Stiff neck
  • Complications with breathing
  • Extreme drowsiness


Fully vaccinated youngsters who have a first simple febrile seizure do not need further testing. Your doctor can diagnose a febrile seizure from history.

Your doctor may screen for severe diseases in children with delayed vaccinations or damaged immune systems:

Lumbar punctures, which can identify meningitis and other central nervous system illnesses in children, may also be administered.


In most cases, a seizure brought on by fever will stop occurring on its own after a few minutes. Keep calm and do these things if your child experiences a febrile seizure:

  • Child should be laid on his or her side on a flat, soft surface.
  • Get a stopwatch ready and begin timing the seizure.
  • Maintain close proximity so that you can keep an eye on and calm your youngster.
  • Keep sharp or rough surfaces away from your child.
  • Lose any constricting or overly snug garments.
  • Avoid restricting your child’s mobility.
  • The child should not have anything put in his or her mouth.

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