Manganese exposure may lead to various hazardous conditions due to chronic exposure. Manganese (Mn) is a strong, gray metal often used in steel manufacturing. Employees who are exposed to manganese through the inhalation of manganese dust or fumes might be affected. Prolonged exposure may cause kidney, liver, and lung damage. Exposure to manganese fumes or dust may also cause manganism, a neurological disorder. The duration, dosage, and kind of job performed determine the degree of exposure.

Furthermore, those most at risk of manganese exposure usually do welding operations. Welding is used in agriculture, mining, transportation, manufacturing, construction, and other vocations like millwright and pipefitter. Employees in the metallurgical and other industrial sectors are also in danger, although in somewhat lesser numbers.


Chronic or high manganese exposure may cause a range of motor and psychological problems. Meanwhile, exposure to moderate manganese air concentrations of more than five micrograms of Mn/m3 might result in the following symptoms:

  • Exaggerated reflexes
  • Irritability
  • Eye issues
  • Headaches
  • Aggression
  • Delayed motor movement
  • Trembling
  • Muscle cramps
  • Insomnia
  • Eye issues
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stiffness

Prolonged or severe exposure may result to:

  • Kidney injury
  • Impaired Cognition
  • Liver impairment
  • Manganism
  • Lung damage
  • Brain damage


If you have been exposed to manganese and feel any problems in your body, consult a doctor. The following diagnostic procedures may be used to detect exposure:

  • RBC (red blood cells) testing provides a better indication of manganese concentration in tissues, although it is only useful for recent exposures spanning a few months.
  • Bone, nail, and hair manganese content might provide a more accurate exposure level for persons with low-dose, prolonged Mn exposure.
  • An MRI may be used to assess your brain levels. However, it’s only useful for recent exposures within the last several months.


Both chronic toxicity issues and acute exposure should be addressed to treat manganese exposure. The most feasible way of treatment is to remove the person from the source of manganese exposure, whether iatrogenic, environmental, or occupational.

The current standards of treatment for manganese exposure are:

  • Para-aminosalicylic Acid (PAS)
  • The chelating agents CaNa2EDTA (EDTA)

Refrain from dealing with manganese exposure on your own. In the event you believe you have been exposed to hazardous quantities of manganese, get medical assistance immediately and follow your physician’s advice.

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