Malignant Carcinoid Syndrome develops when a rare malignant tumor known as a carcinoid tumor secretes particular chemicals into your circulation, resulting in a range of indications and symptoms. A carcinoid tumor, a form of neuroendocrine tumor, is most commonly seen in the gastrointestinal system or the lungs.

Carcinoid syndrome is most common in persons who have advanced carcinoid tumors. Furthermore, this syndrome is often treated by managing cancer. Carcinoid syndrome is generally treated by treating malignancy.

However, carcinoid tumors often don’t display any symptoms until they progress in the later stages. Hence, having a cure for it may still be unachievable for now. Nevertheless, there are certain medications that can be used to alleviate its symptoms and make you more comfortable.


Some of the most common indications for this syndrome include:

  • Lesions on the face. Purplish regions of spider-like veins on your nose and upper lip may emerge.
  • Flushing of the skin. This includes a hot sensation on the face and upper chest, whereas the skin changes color (from pink to purple). Moreover, this sensation may last for only a few minutes to hours.
  • Diarrhea. Carcinoid syndrome can cause frequent, watery feces that are occasionally accompanied by stomach pains.
  • Racing Heartbeat. Fast heartbeats might be an indication of carcinoid syndrome.
  • Difficulty in Breathing. Wheezing and shortness of breath may develop along with skin flushing

If you experience any of these symptoms, or if the symptoms persist, contact your physician right away to avoid further complications.


In order to rule out other possible conditions that may cause your symptoms—such as diarrhea and skin flushing—the doctor will have to administer certain tests. If no other conditions are speculated to cause these symptoms, then, the doctor may then suspect malignant carcinoid syndrome.

Furthermore, the doctor may also administer the following tests:

  • Blood Tests
  • Urine analysis.
  • Imaging examinations


In order to treat this syndrome, you must treat your existing cancer.

Furthermore, these procedures may be used:

  • Surgery
  • Cancer-blocking medications
  • Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT)
  • Hepatic artery embolization
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • Cryotherapy
  • Chemotherapy

Aside from these medical procedures, certain home-remedies may also be used. These remedies may not directly cure the syndrome, but they may help in managing the symptoms.

Here are the self-care measures for malignant carcinoid syndrome:

  • Avoid skin flushing triggers.
  • Take some multivitamins.

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