Joint hip replacement, also called total hip arthroplasty, is a type of surgery when there is a pain in the hips. Not just a pure ache, but a kind of pain that somehow affects the daily activities of a person or pain in the bones that can’t be dealt with quickly by non-surgical treatments.

During this process, the damaged sections of the hip joint are removed and replaced with parts that usually made of sturdy materials like metal, ceramic, or hard plastics. Joint hip replacement surgery helps reduce the pain felt by a person and improves the function of the hip. When having arthritis damage, a person might consider having a joint hip replacement as it is the most common reason why there is a need to have one. 

In some cases, a second joint hip replacement is needed if the prosthetic hip-joint wears out. Second joint hip replacement occurs when joint hip replacement surgery is done when a person is young and active. 


A person might consider having a joint hip replacement surgery when one experiences these kinds of pain:

  • Pain that persists despite medication. 
  • A pain that worsens when walking even with the support of a walker or a cane. 
  • A pain that disturbs and affects sleep. 
  • Pain experienced when getting dressed. 
  • Pain that affects one’s ability to walk on the stairs. 
  • A pain when one rises from a seated position. 

Some conditions damage the hip, which makes joint hip replacement surgery a necessity. These conditions include: 


Before having surgery, an orthopedic surgeon will check the patient by:

  • Asking about medical history and medications are taken 
  • Examining the hip 
  • Ordering blood test and X-ray. MRI’s are rarely needed. 

The surgeon will most likely tell the patient to stop smoking especially tobacco as it interferes with the healing process. Dental work done two weeks before the surgery is prohibited, which will make the patient not advisable to continue with the operation. 

If the patient passes all the requirements checked by the surgeon, one might continue with the surgery process. 


After surgery, a patient’s risk of blood clots in the legs increased. Preventing blood clots includes these possible measures: 

Moving early – the patient is encouraged to walk with a walker and sit up the next day after the surgery. 

Applying pressure – the patient will wear inflatable air sleeves on lower legs in which force exerted. By this, the chance of having a blood clot reduced. 

Blood-thinning medication – this is prescribed by the surgeon, whether injected or oral. 

Physical therapy will be of great help to regain the use of the joints and muscles. Regular exercise must be maintained. When treatment progresses, the patient will be advised to put some weight on its legs until help no longer needed in walking. 

A follow-up appointment with the surgeon is recommended after six to twelve weeks to make sure the hip is healing and is working correctly. For most people, their usual activities resume at least a little more by that time if recovery is progressive. After six to twelve months, further healing with strength improvement will occur.

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