Johnson-Stevens disease is an uncommon and severe skin and mucous membrane illness. It’s frequently a drug reaction that begins with flu-like signs and progresses to painful rashes with blisters. The top layer of the infected skin dies, flakes, and begins to heal after a few days.

Hospitalization is frequently required for this disorder. The goal of treatment is to eliminate the cause, manage wounds, reduce pain, and minimize consequences as the skin regrows. Recovery can take weeks or months.

Moreover, toxic epidermal necrolysis is a more serious manifestation of the illness. It affects more than 30% of the skin’s surface area and causes significant harm to the mucous membranes.


You may exhibit early indicators of Johnson-Stevens disease one to three days before a rash appears, such as:

  • Burning eyes
  • Sore throat and mouth
  • Fever
  • Fatigue

Other symptoms as the illness worsen to include:

  • Widespread, unexplained skin pain
  • Purple or red rash
  • Blisters on the mucous membrane and skin

Johnson-Stevens disease needs medical intervention right away. So, if you notice signs or symptoms of this condition, get immediate medical attention. Drug-induced reactions can happen while you’re taking medicine or up to two weeks after you stop using it.


The following tests and methods are used to diagnose the syndrome:

  • Assessment of your health history and a physical exam
  • Skin biopsy
  • Imaging
  • Culture
  • Blood tests


Here are the potential treatments for Johnson-Stevens disease:

  • Getting rid of non-essential drugs. Stopping any drugs that may be causing the syndrome is the first and most crucial step in curing it. If you take several drugs, it may be challenging to figure out which one is the source of the problem.
  • Supportive therapy. Since skin loss can cause a considerable loss of fluid in your body, fluid replacement is an essential component of therapy. A tube implanted in the nose and routed to the stomach can deliver fluids and nutrients.
  • Wound management. Blisters may be soothed with cool, damp compresses while they heal. Your doctor may carefully scrape away dead skin and apply Vaseline or a medicinal bandage to the afflicted regions.
  • Eye care. You may also require the services of an eye specialist.


Johnson-Stevens disease is treated with the following medications:

  • Pain relievers
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Antibiotics

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