Jeune Syndrome, also known as asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, is a rare genetic disorder that affects the development of bones and other tissues in the body. It is characterized by a narrow chest, short ribs, and a small rib cage, which can lead to breathing difficulties and other health problems.

The syndrome is typically diagnosed in infancy or early childhood, as symptoms become apparent during this time. In addition to the physical characteristics mentioned, individuals with Jeune Syndrome may also have a shortened stature, abnormal kidney function, and eye abnormalities.

Breathing difficulties can range from mild to severe, and may require medical intervention to help manage symptoms. In some cases, individuals may need assistance with breathing through the use of a ventilator or other respiratory support.


Jeune Syndrome, also known as asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, is primarily categorized into two types: Jeune Syndrome Type 1 and Jeune Syndrome Type 2. These types are differentiated based on the specific genetic mutations involved.

Jeune Syndrome Type 1

This type is caused by mutations in the IFT80 gene, which plays a role in the development and function of cilia, the tiny hair-like structures found on the surface of cells. Individuals with Jeune Syndrome Type 1 typically have a more severe form of the condition, with more pronounced skeletal abnormalities and respiratory difficulties.

Jeune Syndrome Type 2

This type is caused by mutations in the IFT140 gene, also involved in cilia function. Individuals with Jeune Syndrome Type 2 may have milder skeletal abnormalities and respiratory symptoms compared to Type 1. However, they may still experience significant health challenges and require medical intervention to manage their condition.


Jeune Syndrome, or asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, can present with a range of symptoms that primarily affect the skeletal and respiratory systems. While the severity and specific symptoms can vary from person to person, here are some common manifestations of the condition:

  1. Skeletal abnormalities: One of the hallmark features of Jeune Syndrome is a narrow chest, characterized by short ribs and a small rib cage. This can lead to a bell-shaped chest appearance. Additionally, individuals may have shortened limbs and a small stature.
  2. Respiratory difficulties: The abnormal chest structure in Jeune Syndrome can restrict lung development and lead to breathing difficulties. This can result in rapid or shallow breathing, shortness of breath, and an increased susceptibility to respiratory infections. In severe cases, respiratory support, such as the use of a ventilator, may be necessary.
  3. Vision problems: Some individuals with Jeune Syndrome may experience eye abnormalities, including nearsightedness (myopia), astigmatism, or other vision impairments. Regular eye examinations are important for monitoring and addressing any visual issues.
  4. Kidney abnormalities: Certain individuals with Jeune Syndrome may have kidney problems, such as impaired kidney function or structural abnormalities. These issues may require monitoring and potential intervention.
  5. Other possible features: While less common, Jeune Syndrome can also be associated with additional complications, such as liver abnormalities, heart defects, and developmental delays.


Diagnosing Jeune Syndrome, or asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, typically involves a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging studies, and genetic testing. Here’s an overview of the diagnostic process for this condition:

  1. Physical examination: A healthcare professional will perform a thorough physical examination to assess the individual’s overall appearance and look for characteristic features of Jeune Syndrome. This may include evaluating the chest shape, limb length, and other potential abnormalities.
  2. Imaging studies: X-rays and/or CT scans of the chest are commonly used to assess the skeletal abnormalities associated with Jeune Syndrome. These imaging tests can help visualize the narrow rib cage, short ribs, and other skeletal features.
  3. Genetic testing: To confirm the diagnosis of Jeune Syndrome and identify the specific genetic mutation involved, genetic testing is typically performed. This may involve analyzing DNA samples to identify mutations in genes such as IFT80 or IFT140, which are commonly associated with Jeune Syndrome. Genetic counseling may also be offered to help individuals and their families understand the implications of the diagnosis and any potential inheritance patterns.
  4. Additional tests: Depending on the individual’s specific symptoms and presentation, additional tests may be ordered to assess other potential complications or associated conditions. These may include kidney function tests, eye examinations, echocardiograms, or other specialized assessments.


The management of Jeune Syndrome, or asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, focuses on addressing the specific symptoms and complications that arise from the condition. While there is no cure for Jeune Syndrome, supportive care and interventions can help improve quality of life. Here are some common approaches to treatment:

  1. Respiratory support: Individuals with Jeune Syndrome may require respiratory support to manage breathing difficulties. This can include the use of ventilators or other breathing aids to ensure adequate oxygenation and ventilation. Close monitoring of respiratory function is crucial to prevent and manage respiratory infections.
  2. Orthopedic interventions: In cases where skeletal abnormalities significantly impact mobility and function, orthopedic interventions may be considered. These can include surgeries to correct limb deformities or to address spinal abnormalities that may arise.
  3. Vision correction: If individuals with Jeune Syndrome experience vision problems, such as myopia or astigmatism, corrective measures such as glasses or contact lenses may be prescribed to improve vision.
  4. Monitoring and management of associated complications: Regular monitoring of kidney function, heart health, and overall growth and development is important. Additional interventions or treatments may be required to address any associated complications that arise.
  5. Supportive care and rehabilitation: Comprehensive support for individuals with Jeune Syndrome may involve physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other rehabilitative interventions to improve mobility, strength, and overall function. This can help enhance independence and overall quality of life.

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