Intimate partner violence (IPV) is aggressiveness or abuse in a romantic relationship. Dating partners and both previous and current spouses are considered intimate partners. IPV may differ in terms of frequency and severity. It may vary from a single violent incident with a long-term effect to severe and chronic bouts that endure for years. It’s also among the most widespread types of violence against women, including controlling behaviors and emotional, sexual, and physical abuse by their partners.

Types of Intimate Partner Violence

This might include any of the following:

  • Psychological aggression is the usage of nonverbal and verbal communication to emotionally or psychologically injure a partner.
  • Stalking is a pattern of unwelcome contact and attention from a partner that generates concern for one’s safety.
  • Sexual violence is defined as trying or forcing someone to engage in a sex act or a non-physical sexual interaction when a partner refuses or is unable to agree.
  • Physical violence occurs if an individual uses force to injure or attempts to injure a partner.

Signs of Intimate Partner Violence

Some of the symptoms of IPV include:

  • Bloodstain, bruising or bleeding, or ripped clothes near the genital area
  • Having injuries and constantly making excuses for them
  • Being apprehensive or afraid in the presence of their partner
  • Avoiding social engagements for no apparent reason
  • Being too concerned about pleasing their lover
  • They become unresponsive and retreat within themselves
  • Exhibiting abrupt behavioral shifts
  • Being anxious or disturbed

Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence

IPV-related harm affects around 48% of male IPV survivors and 75% of female IPV survivors. IPV might potentially cause death. Furthermore, IPV is linked to a slew of additional unfavorable health effects. These include various health problems that affect:

  • Nervous systems
  • Reproductive
  • Digestive
  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Heart

Survivors may also have mental health issues like PTSD and depression symptoms. In addition, they’re more likely to engage in risky activities like sexual activity, excessive drinking, and smoking.

Intimate Partner Violence Prevention

Intimate relationship violence may be avoided. A variety of variables might both raise and lessen the likelihood of committing and suffering intimate partner violence. To prevent IPV, people should first identify and address the elements that put individuals at risk of violence or safeguard them from it. IPV may be reduced by promoting nonviolent, respectful, and healthy interactions and communities. It may also help avoid IPV’s negative and long-term repercussions on communities, families, and people.

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