Hereditary bleeding disorders are illnesses that significantly change how your blood typically clots. Blood turns from a liquid to a solid during the clotting process, commonly referred to as coagulation. Your blood typically starts to clot after an injury to stop significant blood loss. Under certain circumstances, blood can’t always clot effectively, which can cause excessive or protracted bleeding.

Abnormal bleeding, both within and outside of the body, can be caused by hereditary bleeding disorders. The amount of blood leaving your body can significantly rise due to some diseases. Others trigger bleeding beneath the skin or in important organs like the brain.


A person may be born with or develop hereditary bleeding disorders. Genetics has a role in the transmission of inherited diseases. Later in life, acquired problems may manifest voluntarily or grow gradually. Following an accident or injury, some bleeding diseases can cause significant bleeding. Heavy bleeding may occur quickly and without warning in different diseases.

The following are the most prevalent bleeding disorders out of the many diverse types there are:

  • Factor II, V, VII, X, or XII deficiencies
  • Hemophilia A and B
  • Von Willebrand’s disease 


Depending on the particular form of a hereditary bleeding disorder, the signs can change. But these are the primary indications:

  • easy and unexplained bruising
  • frequent nosebleeds
  • bleeding into joints
  • severe bleeding during the period
  • profuse bleeding resulting from a wound or cut


Your healthcare provider will ask about your symptoms and health history in order to make a diagnosis of bleeding disorders. To make the best possible diagnosis, your doctor will do blood tests. These tests could consist of the following:

  • CBC
  • Bleeding time test
  • Platelet aggregation test


The kind and severity of hereditary bleeding disorders affect the available treatments. Although there is no cure for bleeding disorders, certain conditions’ symptoms can sometimes be reduced with the assistance of medicines.

  • Blood Transfusion

Any lost blood is replaced by blood from a donor during a blood transfusion. To avoid problems, the donated blood must have the same blood type as you.

  • Iron Supplementation

If you’ve lost a lot of blood, your doctor may advise iron supplements to restore the iron levels in your body. Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by low iron levels. 

  • Other Therapies

Topical medications or nasal sprays may be used to treat some bleeding conditions.

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