Giant cell glioblastoma, astrocytoma, is an uncommon, benign brain tumor that develops from astrocytes, the nerve system’s supporting cells. This slow-growing tumor is most often seen in the brain and spinal cord’s ventricles, fluid-filled chambers.


Giant cell glioblastoma, astrocytoma symptoms vary, depending on where the brain tumor is located. This may include:

  • Headaches that last for a long time
  • A vision that is doubled or obscured
  • Vomiting
  • Appetite loss
  • Mood and personality shifts
  • Changes in thinking and learning abilities
  • Seizures for the first time
  • Gradual development of speech difficulties


Giant cell glioblastoma, astrocytoma brain tumors may be identified using the following imaging methods.

  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). The essential imaging examination for astrocytoma is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Typically, pictures are taken both before and after IV contrast is administered.
  • MRS (MRI spectroscopy). It is an MRI-based imaging technique that offers information on the chemical makeup of a tumor.
  • Functional MRI (fMRI). FMRI is valuable for determining which areas of the brain are active (for example, while talking or moving one arm or leg). This is necessary to identify the brain areas that, if injured, might create issues for the patient.


Treatment for Giant cell glioblastoma, astrocytoma may include the following:

  • Neuronavigation. It functions as a brain GPS, enabling surgeons in seeing where they are in the patient’s brain in real-time on an MRI. In healthy adults, it enhances accuracy while minimizing the risk of brain damage.
  • Surgery while awake. This procedure is especially beneficial for resecting tumors in the speech regions and those adjacent to the primary motor cortex on both sides. The victim is sedated but not intubated, so they may converse and follow directions as required.
  • During general anesthesia, motor mapping is performed. Even though the patient is sleeping, an electrode may be used to stimulate the parts of the brain that govern movement. Currents are applied directly to the cerebral cortex through a stimulator, recording muscle responses.
  • Fluorescent dyes. Tumors absorb certain stains given intravenous just before operation, usually those of higher grade. The tumor tissue is colored by a particular pigment, while the normal brain is not. It makes it considerably easier to determine what can be resected and what can be left alone.

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