• Inflammation and infection of the follicle of the hair (one or more).
    • Occurs on any skin surface except the palms and soles.
  • May look like pimples on the face, chest, back, arms, legs, and head.
  • Presents as:
    • rash (reddened skin area),
    • itchy skin,
    • pustules surrounding a hair follicle.
  • May crust over on neck, armpit, or groin area.
  • May present as genital lesions spreading from leg to arm to body.
    • Because of improper antibiotic treatment.
  • This condition begins with bacteria invading a hair follicle (through damage by friction from clothing, insect bits, follicle blockage or shaving.
  • Affects young adults, and may remain until early 30s.


  • Physician may do/request:
    • History & Physical Exam.



  • Topical antiseptic treatment.
  • Topical antibiotics or antifungals (consult doctor first).

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