Flea bites in humans is caused by a parasitic insect from fleas. Its is ussually appears around the feet, ankles or in legs that looks like a small red spots that often occur in two to three groups of red clusters around them.

Fleas are minuscule bugs that can live in the yard and the fur of pets. Their size does not exceed that of a pen’s tip, and their color ranges from light brown to almost black. They move about using their legs, jumping from one place to another. They have hard shells that protect their flat bodies, which makes them almost impossible to eliminate. Fleas reproduce rapidly, especially when there is a pet in the house, and the yard can be their carrier. These creatures can only be eliminated using a pesticide treatment, and worse, they can give flea bites in humans. 


If the fleas are unable to be contained, they can spread and bite in all body areas. Typically, these are the characteristics of the bites: Miniscule with a red spot on its center, appear as a group and be placed in a line which forms a scab circled by a red halo. The types of flea bites in humans usually appear in the feet, ankles, or legs. 

Humans are usually the optional carriers when fleabites are concerned because they do not make good carriers. Humans become prey for adult fleas who have yet to find the family pet, for instance.


When flea bites in humans, they will not exhibit apparent symptoms from the bite. While the creatures usually do not contain diseases, people can still have various reactions to the bite. 

For small children and adults who have allergies on fleas, they might experience swelling and itching. The skin surrounding the bite may become irritated and painful to touch. In some cases, hives and rashes appear, and another infection may appear if the bite is scratched. 

In most cases, fleas can be a sign that they have infested the home, but no serious symptoms can be inflicted on these bugs. 


While flea bites in humans pose no serious symptoms, they can trigger two complications: allergic reaction; and secondary infection. 

In case an individual has been bitten and starts to exhibit the following, immediate medical attention should be sought for them: trouble breathing; nausea; swelling in the lips, face.

A flea bite may become affected, too. If the afflicted person has swollen glands, immense pain around the bite, or excessive redness, they should consult a doctor.

There are cases where fleas tend to carry diseases through bites, and these diseases could be: flea-borne spotted fever, plague, typhus, and cat scratch fever.


Treatments for flea bites in humans can be purchased online or over-the-counter. The following treatments can be in the form of simple home remedies or medication:

  • Tea tree oil
  • Cortisone
  • Vinegar
  • Antihistamine medicine
  • Calamine lotion 

To avoid succeeding infections, people should remember not to scratch their flea bites. Curing the bites will ease the itching sensations, too, and most of the time, the bites disappear without any treatment. 

As pets can carry fleas, people could consult a veterinarian for flea treatments for their pets. An exterminator can eliminate the flea infestation, too.

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