Filovirus infections or Ebola virus is the disease that was previously known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever. Filovirus is an uncommon but lethal virus that triggers fever, body pain, diarrhea, and occasionally external and internal bleeding.

As it spreads throughout the body, the virus causes harm to the immune system and body parts. It eventually reduces the number of blood-clotting cells. This results in serious, unmanageable bleeding.

The infection is not as infectious as viruses like the common cold, measles, or influenza. It is transmissible to people through exposure to a contaminated animal’s skin or fluids. Then it passes from person to person in the same manner. Those who care for a sick individual or bury people who have died from the disease are more likely to contract it.


Filovirus infections can initially mimic the flu or other illnesses. Symptoms typically appear within two to twenty-one days after the infection and include:

  • Weakness
  • High fever
  • Headache
  • Lack of appetite
  • Sore throat
  • Stomach discomfort
  • Muscle and joint pain

Internal bleeding and bleeding from the ears, eyes, and nose occur as the condition worsens. Some people throw up or cough up blood, have bloody diarrhea, and get a rash.


It can be difficult to tell if a person has filovirus infections based solely on symptoms. Healthcare providers may conduct examinations to rule out other illnesses like malaria and cholera. Filovirus infections can also be determined using blood and tissue tests.

If you have a filovirus infection, you will be isolated from the public right away to prevent the virus from spreading.


Filovirus infections have no precise cure, though researchers are working on one. For the treatment of filovirus infections, two drug treatments have been authorized. Inmazeb is a compound composed of three monoclonal antibodies (maftivimab, atoltivimab, and odesivimab-ebgn). It is a monoclonal antibody that is administered via injection. It helps to prevent the virus from reaching the cell by preventing it from binding to the cell receptor.

Doctors treat filovirus infections symptoms with the following:

  • Oxygen
  • Electrolytes and fluids
  • Blood transfusions
  • Blood pressure drugs

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