Eye redness occurs when the vessels in your eye become swollen or irritated. Redness of the eye, also called bloodshot eyes, can indicate the presence of several different health problems. While some of these problems are benign, others are serious and require emergency medical attention. The redness of your eye may be a cause for concern. However, most serious eye problems happen when you have redness along with pain or changes in your vision.

More serious causes of eye redness include infections. Infections can occur in different structures of the eye and typically produce additional symptoms such as pain, discharge, or changes in your vision.

Infections that can cause eye redness include:

  • inflammation of the follicles of the eyelashes, called blepharitis
  • inflammation of the membrane that coats the eye, called conjunctivitis or pinkeye
  • ulcers that cover the eye, called corneal ulcers
  • inflammation of the uvea, called uveitis

Other conditions that may cause eye redness include:

  • trauma or injury to the eye
  • a rapid increase in eye pressure that results in pain, called acute glaucoma
  • scratches of the cornea caused by irritants or overuse of contact lenses
  • bleeding problems


You should make an appointment to see your doctor if:

  • your eye redness lasts longer than two days
  • you experience changes in your vision
  • you experience pain in your eye
  • you become sensitive to light
  • you have discharge from one or both of your eyes
  • you take medications that thin your blood such as heparin or warfarin

Even though most causes of eye redness are not severe, you should seek emergency medical help if:

  • your eye is red after trauma or injury
  • you have a headache and have blurry vision
  • you begin seeing white rings, or halos, around lights
  • you experience nausea and vomiting


If your eye redness is caused by a medical condition such as conjunctivitis or blepharitis, you may be able to treat your symptoms at home. Warm compresses on the eye can help reduce the symptoms of these conditions. You should also make sure that you wash your hands frequently, avoid wearing makeup or contacts, and avoid touching the eye.

If your eye redness is accompanied by pain or changes in vision, you need to see your doctor for treatment. Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms, your current health conditions, and problems that may have caused irritation to your eye. Your doctor may also examine your eye and use a saline solution to wash out any irritants in your eye.

Depending on your diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe treatment that helps to alleviate your symptoms. This would likely include antibiotics, eye drops, and home care as described above. In some cases, where the eye is very irritated, your doctor may suggest wearing a patch to limit light exposure and help your eye heal.

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