Epstein-barr Virus (EBV)


Epstein-barr Virus (EBV) is part of the herpes virus family which is also known as human herpesvirus 4. It is one of the commonly known viruses that can easily affect humans. This virus can be found globally, and experts are sure that any person currently living will experience being infected with this virus at any point in their lives.

Usually, the common cause of infection from this kind of virus is due to one’s exposure to the bodily fluids of an infected individual (usually, it is via their saliva). And once this virus has infected a person, they can get other kinds of diseases. An example of an infectious illness caused by EBV is mononucleosis (also called mono) which spread commonly in teenagers, young adults and college students.


Currently, there are no known subtypes for epstein-barr Virus (EBV)

As for the commonly known symptoms for this viral infection, most are internal and cannot be seen physically by the naked eye. Listed below are the symptoms:

  • Fatigue/Tiredness
  • Fever
  • Inflamed throat
  • Swollen lymph nodes (mostly, in the neck)
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Swollen liver
  • Body rashes

Do take note that most children infected with this kind of virus usually don’t show those symptoms listed above, wherein some might not have any symptoms. However, some children might show other signs while being infected with this said virus at the same time.

Teenagers and adults who get infected with this kind of virus usually recover from this within two to four weeks. But some can feel the fatigue symptom for more than several weeks or months.

Please note that once a person is affected with EBV, there is a chance that the virus will only stay within them without activating. Instead, the virus starts to activate at a different time and might not show any symptoms. However, persons with a weaker immune system have a higher chance of having those symptoms and getting infected again with EBV.

It is highly advised for an infected person to immediately visit their local doctor or a state-licensed physician once they have experienced one or more symptoms mentioned  earlier.


There is no specific diagnosis method for this viral infection due to its symptoms being highly similar to other illnesses. However, a blood test can be done to check if a patient’s antibodies reacts with the virus.


Unfortunately, there is no specific vaccine available until now for counteracting this viral infection. However, there are several ways an infected person can relieve themselves from the symptoms of this viral infection that are listed below:

  1. Always drink the proper amounts of water to keep hydrated.
  2. Making sure to get the proper amount of and a comfortable rest.
  3. Always make sure to intake the proper amount of medications that are prescribed by their local doctor.

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