Endometrial Ablation is a type of surgical procedure that removes the uterus’s lining. Unlike ordinary surgeries, it doesn’t require any incision to the patient as doctors use specific tools that can be inserted through the vagina and cervix to make the operation possible. This procedure aims to minimize the menstrual flow and in some cases, to completely inhibit menstruation.

Excess menstrual flow that results in severe problems like blood loss is often the reason why women undergo such surgery. Particularly, when intrauterine devices (IUD) didn’t work in controlling the menstrual flow, doctors usually recommend the ablation of the uterus because of any risk it brings in the long run.

Despite reducing to ultimately stopping the menstrual flow, those who underwent this procedure can still be pregnant. However, there is a particular risk that it might incur in both baby and mother as experiencing endometrial ablation increase the chance of having an ectopic pregnancy as well as miscarriage.

Depending on the type of ablation, this procedure can be done either in the operating room or just in the office of your doctor. The size of the uterus is usually the determining factor to choose what is the method that best fits for a patient.


There are several methods that one can choose from when it comes to this surgery. These options are as follows:

  • Free-Flowing  Hot Liquid– this method uses a heated saline fluid that will allow you to stay in the uterus for about 10 minutes and is most effective for those with a womb that bears an irregular shape or proportion.
  • Electrosurgery– it utilizes a scope-like tool with a wire loop that will pass through the uterus, which will be heated to remove the linings of the endometrium.
  • Heated Balloon– as the name implies, this method employs a balloon-like device filled with heated fluid and will be inflated inside the uterus.
  • Cryoablation– is a unique method that uses three ice balls that will become the primary tool to freeze and completely remove the surrounding of the endometrium.
  • Radiofrequency – uses a device that emits radio frequency to destroy the tissues on the endometrium.
  • Microwave– similar to Radiofrequency although it utilizes Microwave to destroy the tissues.


Most women can undergo this surgical procedure; although the physician will recommend it, the patients show the following signs:

  • Heavy periods that can fill a pad or tampon within two hours or much faster.
  • Anemia due to excessive menstrual flow
  • Menstruation lasts for more than eight days.


Doctors require various procedures and tests before someone can undergo an endometrial ablation. These are the following:

  • Pregnancy check since this surgery is not possible when the patient is pregnant
  • Removal of IUD
  • Thinning of the endometrium
  • Testing your endometrium for cancer cells.
  • Discussion about the anesthesia that will be used in the operation

Take note that there is a risk for women who have uterine cancer, pelvic infection, and other abnormal conditions in the uterus. Always ask your doctor regarding your pre-existing medical condition before undergoing the said procedure.

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