Dwarf tapeworm, sometimes referred to as Hymenolepis nana, is an infection that is more frequent in kids, those living in institutional environments, and those living in places with insufficient sanitation and personal hygiene. One gets infected by inadvertently consuming dwarf tapeworm eggs. This may occur if you consume feces-contaminated drinks or foods, contact your lips with contaminated fingers, or consume contaminated dirt. Individuals may get infected when they eat an infected insect that has gotten into their food.

Moreover, a dwarf tapeworm is much smaller than common tapeworms and might grow up to 2 inches long. It’s also composed of several tiny parts known as proglottids. These elements break off and flow into the feces as the dwarf tapeworm grows within the gut. The dwarf tapeworm has a lifespan of 4-6 weeks. However, once exposed, the dwarf tapeworm might replicate inside the body and spread the illness.


The majority of those who are affected with dwarf tapeworm show no symptoms. Those suffering from symptoms might encounter the following:

  • Nausea
  • Flatulence
  • Weakness
  • Lack of appetite
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Diarrhea

Young kids, particularly those who have a severe illness, may experience:

  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Itchy anus
  • Headache

Contrary to common opinion, a dwarf tapeworm infection usually doesn’t result in weight loss. The dwarf tapeworm cannot also be felt within your body.


Dwarf tapeworm eggs in the feces are identified to provide a diagnosis. Your medical physician will need stool samples collected over many days to determine when you’re infected.


Consult your doctor for a diagnosis as well as a plan of treatment. Repeated every ten days, a single dosage of praziquantel is the most standard treatment for this illness. In addition, since dwarf tapeworm infection is readily passed from person to person, family members might also be required to be checked and treated.

To lower your chances of infection, you must:

  • After making food, replacing diapers, or utilizing the restroom, wash your hands with warm water and soap.
  • Educate youngsters on the significance of hand washing to avoid illness.
  • Before consuming fruits and raw vegetables in nations where food has a high chance of contamination, cook, peel, or wash them using clean water.

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