Dog flea tapeworm is a white, flat, long worm with hook-like jaws that attach to dogs’ small intestinal wall lining. They thrive by consuming the same nutrition your dog is trying to consume. The normal tapeworm is nearly 6 inches long, even though puppies’ parents only observe the microscopic segments which separate and eject in the feces.

Furthermore, dog flea tapeworm may be obtained in several ways based on the type. When your dog consumes the eggs of a tapeworm-infected flea, a tapeworm will start to grow in its system. This tapeworm will then connect to the small intestinal wall and produce proglottids.


Various types of dog flea tapeworm that is prevalent includes:

  • Dipylidium caninum
  • Metacestoides
  • Echinococcus
  • Taenia

Dipylidium caninum is the most frequent tapeworm type in dogs.


Dog flea tapeworm seldom causes symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting. When your dog has a plethora of flea tapeworms, it could display the following symptoms.

  • Tiny segments in the fur of your dog’s anus.
  • Dried-up yellow or white segments are found where your dogs sleep.
  • Tiny tapeworm in dog’s stool.
  • Weight Reduction

You may also observe your dog scooting its back end on the ground to reduce any irritation caused by tapeworm segments. Knowing that a dog could slide their back for various causes, such as full or affected anal glands, is crucial. Consult your veterinarian regarding your dog’s symptoms.


The dog flea segments in the stool or wandering surrounding the fur of the anus are commonly used to make a confirmed diagnosis. These segments resemble cucumber seeds. Segments are sometimes visible, creeping about the dog’s anus.

Moreover, because tapeworm segments are only produced infrequently, they are frequently missed during standard fecal inspection. Submit any golden or white segments you discover to your vet for a confirmed diagnosis.


Dog flea tapeworm therapy is essential. Typically, your dog will be provided 2 doses of praziquantel two weeks intervals. This therapy aims to break the lifespan of any infections that harm your dog. Two doses are usually enough to cure these infections, although they are likely to reoccur. This is because, unlike tapeworms, fleas are more challenging to control. To protect your dog from troublesome tapeworms, you should continue flea prevention and treatment.

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