Depersonalization disorder (DPD) is a mental health condition characterized by persistent and distressing feelings of detachment from oneself or one’s surroundings. Individuals with this disorder often experience a sense of unreality, as if they are observing themselves from outside their bodies or living in a dream-like state. Depersonalization disorder can significantly impact daily functioning, relationships, and overall quality of life. While the exact cause is not fully understood, it is believed to involve a combination of psychological, biological, and environmental factors.


The hallmark symptoms of depersonalization disorder include:

  • Persistent feelings of detachment from oneself, emotions, thoughts, or sensations.
  • Feeling as though one is an outside observer of their own thoughts, actions, or body, known as “depersonalization.”
  • Sensations of unreality or detachment from the external world, termed “derealization.”
  • Emotional numbing or a sense of being disconnected from one’s emotions.
  • Distorted perception of time, space, or one’s own body.
  • Dissociative amnesia, difficulty recalling personal information or events.

These symptoms may fluctuate in intensity and may be triggered or exacerbated by stress, trauma, or substance use.


Diagnosing depersonalization disorder involves a thorough evaluation by a qualified mental health professional, typically a psychiatrist or psychologist. Diagnostic criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) include:

  • Persistent or recurrent experiences of depersonalization, derealization, or both.
  • Symptoms cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other areas of functioning.
  • Symptoms are not better explained by another mental health disorder, medical condition, or substance use.

The diagnosis may be based on self-reported experiences, clinical interviews, and standardized assessment tools.


Treatment of depersonalization disorder aims to alleviate symptoms, improve coping strategies, and address underlying contributing factors. Treatment modalities may include:

  • Psychotherapy: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), particularly a specialized form called depersonalization-focused therapy (DPT), is often recommended as a first-line treatment for depersonalization disorder. DPT focuses on challenging maladaptive beliefs and coping strategies, developing grounding techniques, and addressing trauma or stressors contributing to symptoms.
  • Medication: While there are no specific medications approved for depersonalization disorder, certain medications such as antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed to target comorbid symptoms such as anxiety or depression.
  • Self-care strategies: Engaging in stress-reduction techniques, practicing mindfulness or relaxation exercises, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help individuals manage depersonalization symptoms and improve overall well-being.

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