Chloroacetophenone (CN) is an acetophenone that is an essential component in organic synthesis. Other than that, it has traditionally been utilized as a riot control tool, where it is marked CN. However, its usage has declined since pepper spray acts quicker and diffuses more quicker than CN.

In addition, chloroacetophenone (CN) exposure poses people with various health risks. It irritates the tracheobronchial tubes, conjunctiva, nose, and mouth mucosal membranes. It may sometimes cause more widespread symptoms like momentary disturbances in direction, equilibrium, and syncope. Occasionally, allergic contact, persistent dermatitis, and irritating cutaneous eruptions have been recorded.


Many individuals recuperate from chloroacetophenone exposure with no lasting effects. The following are among the possible adverse reactions of chloroacetophenone (CN) exposure:

Eye Symptoms

You may suffer these eye symptoms shortly after being exposed to chloroacetophenone:

  • Hazy vision
  • Momentary blindness
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Uncontrollable eyelid closure
  • Tearing

Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Symptoms

Inhaling chloroacetophenone might irritate, resulting in various respiratory disorders. Symptoms include:

  • Respiratory problem
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Chest tightness
  • Salivating
  • Coughing
  • Trouble breathing
  • Itching and burning of your throat and nose
  • Choking

Exposure to high quantities of chloroacetophenone (CN), especially exposure in confined areas or for an extended length of time, may result in mortality in extreme situations.

Skin Symptoms

Chloroacetophenone (CN) may cause pain and discomfort whenever it touches exposed skin. In extreme situations, the itching might continue for days. Additional signs and symptoms include:

  • Chemical burns
  • Allergic dermatitis
  • Blisters
  • Redness
  • Itching


When symptoms appear, or excessive chloroacetophenone (CN) exposure is suspected, the following steps should be taken:

  • A skilled allergist could assist in the diagnosis of skin allergies.
  • Examination of the eyes and eyesight.
  • Following acute workers’ exposure, a chest x-ray should be considered.
  • Lung function examinations

Every assessment must involve a thorough history of previous and current symptoms and physical examination. Medical studies that check for pre-existing harm do not replace limiting exposure.


Since there is no antidote for chloroacetophenone (CN), therapy is based on addressing individual symptoms. The first stage of therapy is primarily supportive. Many patients do not need medical treatment, and fatalities are uncommon.

In situations of inhalation, patients or victims with light to medium exposures usually recover quickly after being removed from the exposure source and do not need further treatment. Individuals with more extreme exposures need hospitalization for surveillance of lung harm, fluid buildup in the lungs, and skin injury.

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