Chlamydia psittaci infection causes systemic disease in poultry and pet birds. Avian chlamydiosis also referred to as parrot fever among birds, ornithosis, and psittacosis, is a common name for this sickness. This virus may be passed from sick birds to people, and most illnesses are obtained via contact with psittacine pet birds.

Furthermore, chlamydia psittaci infection is often caused by inhaling bacteria aerosolized from dry excrement or respiratory discharges of infected birds. Other transmission methods involve mouth-to-beak interaction and touching the tissues and plumage of diseased birds. This infection can cause major health complications, such as deadly pneumonia.


In most cases, chlamydia psittaci infection does not produce severe disease. These are some of the symptoms:

  • Dry Cough
  • Muscle Aches
  • Headaches
  • Chills
  • Fever

Most individuals have minor illnesses. Only rare cases have more severe effects, such as pneumonia or mortality.

Furthermore, the symptoms of chlamydia psittaci infection among birds are non-specific because birds with the infection don’t always exhibit signs or seem unwell. So, if one shows symptoms, search for the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty In Breathing
  • Inflamed Eyes
  • Poor Appetite


Chlamydia psittaci infection is an uncommon sickness with symptoms similar to numerous other infections. Because of these factors, professionals could be unaware of it, making diagnosis challenging. The following are some of the most common approaches for diagnosing the condition:

  • Blood samples: These will be taken to identify particular antibodies produced by the body in reaction to the infection.
  • Sputum (phlegm) testing: To see whether you have bacteria in your lungs.
  • Swabs from the throat and nose: This test is used to identify bacteria immediately.


Antibiotics are often used to address chlamydia psittaci infections, which might last ten to fourteen days after the fever has subsided. Most patients recover fast when they begin antibiotics shortly after being ill, and numerous individuals who get therapy for this illness recover completely. However, in persons who are elderly, super young, or suffer from other health difficulties, recuperation could be slow.

Furthermore, chlamydia psittaci infection is resistant to both tetracyclines and macrolides. However, tetracyclines are the medications of preference unless prohibited owing to known macrolide problems.

Meanwhile, because this may be challenging to identify, practitioners must know that early antibiotic therapy assures a speedy recovery. When this condition is detected, those with more severe symptoms might also immediately be treated with doxycycline.

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