Cadmium exposure may cause several adverse health consequences, like cancer. Cadmium is a heavy metallic element formed by scorching other metallic elements like copper, lead, and zinc. It’s most often utilized in producing nickel-cadmium battery packs, which are employed in cordless devices and cell phones. It’s also present in cigarette smoke and is used in fertilizers, polymers, certain paints, and metal plating.

In addition, cadmium exposure is widespread in the workplace when cadmium products are manufactured. People may ingest cadmium via cadmium-containing foods and cigarette smoke. Moreover, cadmium has the potential to harm the bones, lungs, and kidneys.


The health consequences of cadmium exposure vary, depending on how the individual’s body reacts to the exposure, how much the person is exposed, how much enters the body, and how individuals are subjected to cadmium. Cadmium enters the body and is kept in the kidneys and liver before being eliminated through urine.

Cadmium Inhalation

Breathing in high doses of cadmium through an extended length of time may result to:

  • Muscle aches
  • Fever
  • Flu with chills

Later on, this could lead to coughing, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, and lung damage, and in extreme situations, it may cause fatalities.

Cadmium Ingestion

Consuming cadmium-contaminated drinks or food may result in the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting 
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Stomach ache 


When you believe you have been subjected to elevated levels of cadmium, consult your physician. Cadmium amounts in the body may be measured via blood or urine testing. There are various diagnostic tests to examine liver and kidney health. Meanwhile, the precision of nail and hair testing in determining cadmium exposure has yet to be established.


Cadmium exposure does not have a particular therapy. However, supportive healthcare could be necessary. The most critical phase of treating those subjected to moderate levels of cadmium over a more prolonged period is to decrease the likelihood of subsequent exposure.

Recommendations for lowering the danger of cadmium exposure involve:

  • Quit smoking. Cadmium is present in cigar smoke and may be acquired via the lungs.
  • Prevent breathing the cigarette smoke of others.
  • Have a nutritious, balanced diet with only modest amounts of organ meats and shellfish.
  • When your hobbies or employment require you to handle cadmium, always wear adequate protective clothing and look into getting your cadmium levels evaluated by your physician on a routine basis.

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