It’s unusual to come across a brown recluse spider because these eight-legged critters like to be left alone. They prefer to reside in places where humans don’t go most of the time, both indoors and out. If you happen to be in the same spot as one, it won’t target you; instead, it’ll try to escape out of your path. It may attack you if it feels powerless. 

Brown recluse spiders are among two spiders identified in the United States that can bite you and cause serious harm. They generate poisonous venom, which can result in a severe sore at the bite area. Certain people may experience even more serious symptoms as a result of it. If you have an encounter with a brown recluse, it’s a good idea to see a doctor just in case.


A bite may not hurt or even leave scars at first. It may feel like a sting or a bee bite to some individuals. You may observe the following symptoms within the first day or two after being bitten:

  • Fever
  • Deep sore
  • Nausea
  • Chills
  • Fatigue or feeling weak
  • Joint discomfort
  • Coma or seizures 

Consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms.


Your doctor may perform a physical exam and question you about your symptoms when diagnosing brown recluse. Your doctor will want to be confident that you were bitten by a spider as much as possible. It will assist if you can describe the spider’s appearance. Some people attempt to catch the bug in order to demonstrate it to the doctor. That’s fine as long as you’re able to do it securely. You may try taking a picture of it.


If you believe your children have been bitten by a brown recluse, consult your doctor as soon as possible. Their bodies are unable to protect them from the deadly consequences of the spider’s venom.

The majority of brown recluse spider bites in adults can be treated successfully at home. However, roughly 10% of them create ulcers or blisters that are severe enough to necessitate medical attention. If your symptoms aren’t too severe, consider any of these easy home remedies:

  • Clean it with water and soap.
  • Put antibiotic cream
  • If you’ve been bitten on an arm or leg, lift it as you rest. This may help to minimize edema.
  • Apply ice on it.
  • Use an OTC pain reliever.
  • Keep an eye out for more serious symptoms.

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