BEDSORES2 - WatsonsHealth


Bedsores are a result of prolonged pressure on the skin that limits blood flow in that part and leads to injuries. It is also known as pressure ulcers  and are commonly experienced by people with disability to change position, in bed or in wheelchair,  because of their medical condition. Bony areas of the body such as hips, elbows, tailbone and ankles are the common areas where bedsores develop.

Immobility and other conditions brought by some diseases may heightened the risk of developing bedsores including anemia, fracture and stroke.

Symptoms may depend on the severity of the skin damage. Early signs of bedsores may include:

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness in Some of the Areas
  • Some Parts may Appear Cooler or Warmer than the Other
  • Pus-like Draining
  • Discoloration or Changes in the Skin Texture

Some severe symptoms may include damage in the muscle and bone.


The appearance and locations of the symptoms to those people who are bedridden or immobile may easily predict the reason for the skin breakdown. The depth and severity are categorized as follows:

  • Stage 1: Discoloration or redness of the skin. This condition is reversible.
  • Stage 2: Redness with blisters, abrasion or shallow tear of the skin. This stage is reversible.
  • Stage 3: This stage is serious and may be life-threatening. A crater-like sore or ulcer appear and the damage extends beneath the skin.
  • Stage 4: This stage is fatal because the destruction may include the muscle, tendons, joint capsules and bones.

After the stage has been diagnosed, the doctor may also suggest a blood test to know the general health of the patient.



Treatment for peptic ulcers depends on the severity of the damage. To reverse the effect for early stages of the injury, pressure must be reduced on the affected skin. There must be someone (physician or nurse) that attends to the patient and helps repositioning them at least every 1 to 2 hours. Special mattresses or cushions might be helpful in protecting the vulnerable skin of the patient. Wounds must be clean with water or a saltwater (saline) solution each time the dressing is changed. Negative pressure therapy is a method wherein a device is used to clean a wound with suction.

Medications such as Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and Naproxen Sodium (Aleve) may help in reducing pain. It is also important that the patient maintains good nutrition to prevent them to have infections that may lead to serious complications. Protein rich food may help in repairing damage muscles and tissues of the skin.

Surgical method is only used to repair large pressure sore that doesn’t heal. A skin or tissue from other part of the body may be removed to cover the wound (flap reconstruction).



Repositioning or moving around frequently is the best way to prevent bedsores. This will help avoid constant pressure against your body. It is also important to have good nutrition and ample amount of fluid intake. Bad habit such as smoking must be avoided as well as stress.

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