Baclecin-500 tablet is used to prevent & treat pharyngitis and tonsillitis. This antibiotic works by preventing the synthesis of protein in bacteria. It is also used to treat infections caused by Helicobacter pylori and duodenal ulcer disease.

Use this medication precisely as recommended by your physician. Follow the prescription of your doctor carefully. 

Your physician’s medication dose is based on your condition, other medications or food supplements you may take, and your reaction to treatment. To diminish your risks for adverse effects, don’t increase your dosage; take it regularly or as instructed by your physician. Adverse events may still happen even at usual prescription dosages. 

If your physician requests you to use this drug consistently, use it regularly to get the most benefits from it. Take it at a fixed time every day to make you remember it better. 

Your doctor may need to modify your dosages to ease your symptoms or if you develop adverse reactions. 

If you have any inquiries regarding information, ask your physician or pharmacist.

Baclecin-500 is used in the following conditions:

  • Mycobacterium avium complex infections
  • Respiratory tract infections, skin, and soft tissue infections
  • Eradication of H. pylori associated with peptic ulcer disease

This medicine may be recommended for different uses. Approach your physician or pharmacist for more information.

Do not use Baclecin-500 in people with the following conditions:

  • Hypokalaemia
  • History of QT prolongation
  • Severe hepatic failure in combination with renal impairment.
  • Ventricular cardiac arrhythmia, including torsades de pointes
  • Hypersensitivity to clarithromycin or any macrolide antibiotics

Baclecin-500 may have the following side effects:

  • Infections and infestations: Candidiasis
  • Nervous system disorders: Headache
  • Investigations: Prolonged prothrombin time, increased BUN
  • Vascular disorders: Vasodilation (IV)
  • Psychiatric disorders: Insomnia
  • Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders: Rash, hyperhidrosis
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, dysgeusia, dyspepsia
  • General disorders and administration site conditions: Inj site reactions (e.g. phlebitis, pain, inflammation)
  • Hepatic dysfunction (e.g. increased liver enzymes, hepatocellular and cholestatic hepatitis with or without jaundice); exacerbation or new onset of myasthenia gravis

Keep in mind that your physician has recommended this drug since he or she has known that the advantage to you is more noteworthy than the risk of adverse reactions. Many individuals utilizing this medicine don’t have serious side effects.  

A serious allergy to this medication is uncommon. In any case, seek emergency medical help if you see any manifestations of a serious allergic response, including a rash, tingling or swelling of the face or tongue or throat, dizziness or difficulty breathing. 

This is not a complete list of side effects. Contact your physician or pharmacist if you see other effects not recorded above.

Take extra caution in patients with the following medical conditions:

  • Children
  • Patient taking other drugs known to prolong QT interval (e.g. class IA or III antiarrhythmics, antipsychotic agents, antidepressants, fluoroquinolones).
  • Patient with coronary artery disease,
  • Electrolyte disturbances (e.g. hypomagnesaemia),
  • Severe cardiac insufficiency, clinically relevant bradycardia or conduction disturbances;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hepatic and moderate to severe renal impairment.
  • Patients with renal impairment concurrently take atazanavir or ritonavir-containing regimens.
  • Myasthenia gravis.

Before taking this medicine, tell your physician or pharmacist if you are allergic to it or if you have some other hypersensitivities. This drug may contain inert ingredients, which can cause unfavorable side effects or different issues. Talk with your pharmacist for more information.


Baclecin-500 may interact with the following medicines:

  • May increase the risk of torsades de pointes with quinidine or disopyramide.
  • Increased risk of bleeding and elevated INR and prothrombin time with warfarin.
  • May elevate the serum concentrations of digoxin and CYP450 substrates (e.g. alprazolam, carbamazepine, cilostazol, ciclosporin, methylprednisolone, omeprazole, quetiapine, sildenafil, sirolimus, tacrolimus, vinblastine, theophylline, valproate, tolterodine).
  • May induce metabolism and decrease efficacy with CYP3A inducers (e.g. rifampicin, phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital).
  • Increased or prolongation of sedation with triazolam.
  • May reduce the plasma levels with strong CYP450 inducers (e.g. efavirenz, nevirapine, rifabutin, rifapentine).
  • May decrease the plasma concentrations of zidovudine. Ritonavir significantly inhibits the metabolism of clarithromycin. Concomitant use with atazanavir, itraconazole, saquinavir, or certain Ca channel blockers (e.g. verapamil, amlodipine, diltiazem) may result in bi-directional drug interactions.
  • Decreased exposure with etravirine.
  • May result in significant hypoglycaemia with oral hypoglycaemics (e.g. sulfonylureas, repaglinide, nateglinide) and insulin.
  • Increased plasma concentration and exposure with fluconazole.

Inform your physician about the drugs you take, including over-the-counter medications, prescribed drugs, supplements and vitamins. 

This is not a complete list of drug interactions. Approach your physician or pharmacist for more details. 

The effects of certain medications can change if you simultaneously consume different medications or herbal products. This can build your risk for side effects or may cause your drugs not to work effectively. These interactions are conceivable yet don’t generally happen. Your physician or pharmacist can prevent or oversee interactions by changing how you utilize your prescriptions or by close checking. 

While utilizing this drug, don’t start, stop, or change the dose of other medicines you use without your physician’s advice.

Symptoms of overdose may include the following: 

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea 
  • Abdominal pain

Seek medical help immediately. 

Available Brands:

  • Clarimid
  • Klarid
  • Claryn
  • Klaryz

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