Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) is a congenital heart condition characterized by a combination of defects in the atrial and ventricular septum, as well as abnormalities in the valves that separate the atria and ventricles. AVSD is also commonly referred to as “atrioventricular canal defect” or “endocardial cushion defect.”


Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) can be classified into different types based on the specific anatomy and severity of the defect. The types of AVSD include:

1. Complete AVSD: This is the most common type of AVSD. It involves a large defect in the center of the heart, affecting both the atrial and ventricular septum. It also involves abnormalities in the valves that separate the atria and ventricles, resulting in a common atrioventricular valve. This type is often associated with Down syndrome.

2. Partial AVSD: Also known as intermediate or transitional AVSD, this type involves a smaller defect compared to complete AVSD. It may have a partial atrial septal defect, a partial ventricular septal defect, or both. The valve abnormalities may vary, but there is still a common atrioventricular valve present.

3. Unbalanced AVSD: This type is less common and often more severe. It is characterized by an unequal size of the left and right ventricles, with the left ventricle being small or underdeveloped. The valve abnormalities are also more pronounced, and there may be additional associated cardiac anomalies.

4. Incomplete AVSD: This type involves a small defect in the atrial or ventricular septum, or both, along with mild valve abnormalities. It is the least severe form of AVSD and may not always require immediate surgical intervention.

The classification of AVSD into these types helps healthcare professionals determine the appropriate treatment approach and prognosis for the individual. The specific type and severity of the AVSD will be determined through diagnostic tests such as echocardiography, cardiac catheterization, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional, preferably a pediatric cardiologist or a congenital heart surgeon, who will evaluate the specific type of AVSD and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan based on the individual’s unique circumstances.


Atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) can present with a variety of symptoms, which can vary depending on the severity of the defect. Here are some common symptoms associated with AVSD:

1. Heart murmur: A heart murmur is often the first sign of AVSD. It is an abnormal sound heard during a physical examination, caused by blood flow through the abnormal openings in the heart.

2. Difficulty breathing: Infants and children with AVSD may experience rapid breathing, shortness of breath, or difficulty feeding due to the increased workload on the heart and lungs.

3. Poor growth and weight gain: Babies with AVSD may have difficulty gaining weight and growing at a normal rate. This is due to the extra effort required for the heart to pump blood effectively.

4. Frequent respiratory infections: AVSD can make individuals more susceptible to respiratory infections such as pneumonia or bronchitis due to increased blood flow and strain on the lungs.

5. Cyanosis: In severe cases of AVSD, where there is significant mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, cyanosis (a bluish coloration of the skin, lips, and nails) may be observed.

6. Fatigue and weakness: The heart’s inability to pump blood efficiently can lead to fatigue and weakness, especially during physical activity.

It’s important to note that the severity and timing of symptoms can vary greatly among individuals with AVSD. Some may experience symptoms shortly after birth, while others may not exhibit noticeable symptoms until later in childhood.

If you or your child is experiencing any of these symptoms or if you suspect the presence of AVSD, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, preferably a pediatric cardiologist, who can perform a thorough evaluation and provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment options.


The diagnosis of atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. Here are some common steps involved in diagnosing AVSD:

1. Medical history: The healthcare provider will ask about any symptoms or concerns you or your child may be experiencing. They will also inquire about any family history of congenital heart defects or genetic conditions.

2. Physical examination: During a physical examination, the healthcare provider will listen to the heart using a stethoscope to detect any abnormal heart sounds, such as a heart murmur. They will also assess other signs, such as cyanosis (bluish discoloration) or poor growth.

3. Echocardiography: This is the primary diagnostic test used to confirm the presence of AVSD. Echocardiography uses sound waves to create real-time images of the heart. It allows the healthcare provider to visualize the structure of the heart, identify the specific type and severity of the defect, and assess how the blood is flowing through the heart.

4. Additional tests: In some cases, additional tests may be performed to gather more information. These may include electrocardiogram (ECG) to evaluate the electrical activity of the heart, cardiac catheterization to measure pressures and oxygen levels, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for a detailed assessment of the heart’s anatomy.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional, preferably a pediatric cardiologist, who specializes in congenital heart defects. They will guide you through the diagnostic process, interpret the results of the tests, and provide a comprehensive evaluation of the AVSD.

Early diagnosis is crucial, as it allows for timely intervention and appropriate management options to be considered.


The treatment for atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) depends on several factors, including the severity of the defect, the presence of associated heart abnormalities, and the individual’s overall health. Here are some common treatment options for AVSD:

1. Observation: In some cases, especially if the defect is small and not causing significant symptoms, the healthcare provider may choose to closely monitor the condition without immediate intervention. Regular check-ups and monitoring will be conducted to assess the progression of the defect.

2. Medications: Medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms or complications associated with AVSD. For instance, diuretics can help reduce fluid buildup, while medications to support heart function may be prescribed if the heart is struggling to pump blood efficiently.

3. Surgical repair: Surgical intervention is often necessary to correct AVSD. The specific surgical procedure will depend on the type and severity of the defect. Surgical repair typically involves closing the holes in the septum and reconstructing the valves to improve their function. This can be done in one or multiple stages, depending on the individual’s condition.

4. Catheter-based procedures: In some cases, transcatheter techniques may be used to repair certain types of AVSD. This minimally invasive approach involves inserting a catheter through a blood vessel and using devices to close the holes or improve the valve function.

The treatment plan will be individualized based on the unique circumstances of each patient. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional, preferably a pediatric cardiologist or a congenital heart specialist, who can provide a comprehensive evaluation and guide you through the treatment options.

Regular follow-up visits will be necessary to monitor the progress and ensure optimal management of AVSD. With appropriate treatment and ongoing care, individuals with AVSD can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

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