Atrial flutter is a kind of arrhythmia or unusual heart rhythm that occurs when the atria are beating rapidly, causing the ventricles to do the same. The condition hinders the heart from functioning normally all over the body. If this condition prolongs and is not treated earlier, there is a possibility that it can harm the heart muscle. Furthermore, it may develop into other health conditions like blood clots and stroke

Moreover, this condition is somehow similar to atrial fibrillation. However, they differ in the heart’s rhythm―the atrial flutter has a regular heartbeat, and atrial fibrillation has an irregular heartbeat as its common symptoms.


Atrial flutter is categorized according to where the short circuit on the heart occurs—the channel that permits the electrical signal to pass in a rapid phase through the heart. 

Furthermore, the two types of atrial flutter are:

Typical atrial flutter. The short circuit is located in the right atrium of the heart. For its treatment, the typical type can be treated by the catheter ablation procedure.

Atypical atrial flutter. The short-circuit is located in the left atrium of the heart.  The treatment includes a procedure that is longer than the other treatment. 


The martial flutter may show no symptoms. However, it may sometimes show the following signs:


Atrial flutter is typically analyzed in your doctor’s office through the utilization of an electrocardiogram. If the doctor is not satisfied with the result of the electrocardiogram, the doctor may suggest some tests, including a Holter monitor or electrophysiological study. Also, an event monitor while the catheter is inserted in the heart’s vein may be utilized, which can determine the location of the unusual signal through using a wire. 


The condition may disappear without any treatments or surgeries. However, if the symptoms persist, your physician may require the following treatments:

  • Medical treatments to avoid blood clotting and control the heart rhythm;
  • Catheter ablation, a method that ruins the misbehaving electrical pathways in the heart;
  • Cardioversion, a method that corrects the heart rhythm; and 
  • Treating the underlying health conditions.

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