The use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) to treat infertility problems is beneficial. In the course of the procedure, the woman’s egg is taken out of her body and joined with sperm to create embryos that are subsequently returned to the woman’s body.

For effective fertilization, ART methods may also employ donated sperm, eggs, or even embryos. Moreover, a gestational carrier may also be employed. Notably, in vitro fertilization is currently the most successful type of ART technique.


Different technologies are employed in a variety of assisted reproductive technology methods. The appropriate ART will differ depending on your situation.

Among the frequently employed ART are:

Intrafallopian Transfer

Similar to IVF, intrafallopian transfer uses laparoscopic surgery to introduce gametes to the fallopian tube. Some people might favor this approach for religious or financial reasons or if their insurance will only pay for this kind of ART.

Intrafallopian transfers come in a variety of forms.

  • Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT)
  • Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)

In-Vitro Fertilization

Egg extraction and fertilization are steps in IVF. During the process, fertility doctors mix the egg and sperm before performing an embryo transfer to place the resulting embryos in the uterus.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection 

CSI is a procedure that embryologists may use in conjunction with IVF. It implies putting a tiny needle and a single sperm into the egg.

Frozen Embryo Transfer

IVF frozen embryos are thawed before being transferred to a woman’s uterus during a frozen embryo transfer.

Why Do People Employ Assisted Reproductive Technology?

Infertility is treated by assisted reproductive technology (ART). It covers sperm and egg-handling fertility procedures. It functions by taking eggs out of the ovaries. 

On rare occasions, ART procedures use donated sperm, eggs, or frozen embryos. There may also be a gestational surrogate involved. A woman who conceives a baby using one of the person’s partners’ sperm is regarded as a surrogate. A gestational carrier conceives a baby utilizing an egg from one person and sperm from another.

Multiple pregnancies are the ART problem that occurs most frequently. By restricting the number of embryos implanted into the parent’s body, it can be avoided or reduced.

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