Insect stings can cause allergies because there is a point of entry in the skin where toxins and venom from the insect is deposited. It’s only normal for them to swell, get red, have pain, and have tingling around the sting. In any case, you may have an allergic response if you are a hypersensitive person.

You most likely won’t have an extreme hypersensitive response the first time you are stung. Regardless of whether your first response to a sting light, allergic responses can be worse with every sting. Your next response might be more serious or even fatal.

The seriousness of an insect sting changes from individual to individual. An usual response will result in pain and other inflammatory signs in to the sting site. You can clean the zone with soap and water and apply ice to decrease the swelling.

A local response will bring about swelling that stretches out past the sting site. For instance, a sting on a part of the body could result in the whole limb having pain and swelling. A surprisingly painful or larger response may require therapeutic consideration. Antihistamines are recommended to decrease the discomfort, along with other drugs such as steroids.

Ants, hornets and wasps can sting and bring about inflammatory reactions. These insects have stingers that are left on the skin. You can remove these stingers by scratching and not pulling to avoid sticking the venom more into the skin.

Symptoms may be the following:

  • Hives
  • Itching
  • Swelling in different areas of the body
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Chest tightness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Hoarse voice
  • Swelling of throat or tongue
  • Difficulty swallowing

A severe allergic response, anaphylaxis, is dangerous and have the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Cardiac arrest

Oftentimes, there may be white gray secretion from the vagina. A few people say this discharge looks like curds. Sometimes the secretion may likewise be watery. If untreated, the infection may be more complicated and have more severe symptoms.


Your doctor should take a medical history, including inquiries about previous insect bites, allergies and any other symptoms. He or she may perform a skin-prick test, an intradermal skin test or a blood test.

In the skin-prick test, insect venom is placed on the skin to check for redness or inflammatory signs.

In the blood test, a blood test is sent to a lab to test for antibodies to insect venom.

An intradermal skin test may also be done, in which a little amount of venom is injected under the skin. This test is viewed as more accurate than the skin-prick or blood tests for IgE antibodies.



Insect sting hypersensitivity is treated with the following:

  • Emergency treatment of allergic reaction
  • Prevention of allergies to insect stings with venom immunotherapy









































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