Algoneurodystrophy is a neurological defect that results in pain and sensory issues. There may be irregular blood flow and perspiration in the afflicted region, as well as difficulties with muscle action and changes in tissue structure.

Most pediatric patients with algoneurodystrophy describe burning pain, soreness, swelling, and changes in the skin color and temperature of a body region or leg with no apparent nerve injury. It can be caused by 50 percent of all injuries. There is no correlation between the severity of the damage and the amount of early trauma little initial trauma may go unreported. The interval between the damage and the onset varies from a few days to many weeks.


The symptoms of algoneurodystrophy are as follows:

  • arm, feet, and leg pain
  • swelling of the joints
  • redness of the skin
  • temperature changes
  • hypersensitivity
  • tactile sensitivity
  • cold sensitivity
  • changes in skin temperature
  • painful area swelling
  • changes in skin texture and color
  • changes in hair and nail growth
  • joint stiffness
  • muscle spasms
  • joint swelling
  • muscle wasting
  • reduced mobility in the afflicted body portion


Physicians make a diagnosis for algoneurodystrophy using the lab tests and procedures listed below:

  • A bone scan is used to identify changes in the bones.
  • Sympathetic nerve tests are performed to assess if the sympathetic nervous system is malfunctioning.
  • X-rays are used to look for a mineral loss in the bones.
  • An MRI scan (Magnetic resonance imaging) is employed to investigate diverse tissue changes.


The following methods are used to treat algoneurodystrophy:

  • TENS (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) is an electric impulse-based therapy for activating nerve terminals.
  • Spinal cord stimulation relieves pain by delivering a tiny electrical current to the spinal cord.
  • Sympathectomy is used to remove a ganglion to be free of pain.
  • The surgical removal of a limb to ease the pain is known as amputation.

Moreover, algoneurodystrophy therapy includes the following self-care procedures:

  • Getting adequate vitamin C lowers your chances of developing complicated regional pain syndrome.
  • Reduce your risks of developing complex regional pain syndrome by mobilizing as soon as possible after a stroke.

Treatment with alternative medicine:

  • Heat and cold treatment may be used to relieve edema and perspiration.
  • Physical therapy reduces pain while increasing the range of motion and strength.
  • Biofeedback approaches should be used to help relax the body and reduce discomfort.

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