Manufacturer: Cathay YSS
Distributor: Cathay YSS
Contents: Montelukast Na
Indications: Management of chronic asthma, allergic rhinitis & prophylaxis for exercise-induced asthma.
Dosage: Childn 6-14 yr 5 mg; 2-5 yr 4 mg. All doses to be taken once daily in the evening.
Administration: May be taken with or without food.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Special Precautions: Systemic eosinophilia may occur. Avoid abrupt substitution to inhaled or oral corticosteroids. Concomitant use w/ NSAIDs in patients w/ known aspirin sensitivity. Not for treatment of acute asthma attacks. Pregnancy & lactation.
Side Effects / Adverse Reactions: Headache, dizziness; abdominal pain, dyspepsia, infectious gastroenteritis; influenza, cough, nasal congestion; fatigue, dental pain, rash, fever, trauma.


Drug Interactions: Potent hepatic enzyme inducers eg phenytoin, phenobarb or rifampicin.
Pregnancy Category (US FDA):

Category B: Either animal-reproduction studies have not demonstrated a foetal risk but there are no controlled studies in pregnant women or animal-reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect (other than a decrease in fertility) that was not confirmed in controlled studies in women in the 1sttrimester (and there is no evidence of a risk in later trimesters).

Therapeutic Category: Antiasthmatic & COPD Preparations
ATC Classification: R03DC03 – montelukast ; Belongs to the class of leukotriene receptor antagonists. Used in the systemic treatment of obstructive airway diseases.
Regulatory Classification: Rx

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