Adult-onset asthma occurs when asthma symptoms emerge and are diagnosed in people aged 20 and above. This condition may also be the result of irritants in the home environments or workplace, where the symptoms appear suddenly. Hence, nearly half of adults with asthma are also diagnosed with allergies. 

Asthma is a lung disorder that causes sporadic symptoms. In the respiratory tract of a person with asthma, there is a production of large quantities of mucus, inflammation or swelling in the respiratory tract linings, and narrowing due to muscle contractions encompassing the airways.


The symptoms of adult-onset asthma are similar to childhood asthma that include:


For the most helpful treatment plan, it is crucial to get a correct diagnosis of your condition. However, in some instances, adult-onset asthma is difficult to diagnose compared to childhood asthma. This is because of the confusion with other disorders that transpire in adults, yet are rare in young people.

Moreover, doctors perform physical exams, lung function tests, and assessments of medical history to diagnose adult-onset asthma. To measure how much air a person can breathe, the lung function test is being done.


Adult-onset asthma is treated using a combination of prescribed medications and lifestyle changes. Furthermore, everybody has their preferred treatment approach with asthma. Hence, they can choose their own comprehensive treatment, including:

  • Bronchodilators. One of the common treatments for asthma is bronchodilators. It comes in two types, such as fast-acting and long-acting ones. Both of these play an important part in managing asthma. They help calm the airways and prevent symptoms.
  • Corticosteroids. In some cases, individuals can also utilize inhalers that carry corticosteroids to treat asthma. Corticosteroids reduce inflammation in the airway. Inhalers that carry steroids do not cure sudden symptoms; however, they may somewhat reduce the recurrence of symptoms.

Additionally, one of the most significant factors that affect the severity of adult-onset asthma is smoking. In order to treat asthma, a person must stop and avoid smoking. He/she needs to stay away from the irritants that trigger the symptoms of the conditions. 

Persons with adult-onset asthma must:

  • Avoid triggers like smoking, dust, pets, molds, etc.
  • Maintain a normal and active life
  • Take medications to manage asthma symptoms
  • Have a healthy lifestyle

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