Acrylonitrile exposure occurs when it enters your body through your skin and through inhalation. The skin, eyes, lungs, and nervous system are all adversely affected by acrylonitrile, a toxic, colorless, pale yellow liquid. Moreover, individuals who are often exposed to acrylonitrile are at risk. The dose, timeframe, and type of work determine the exposure level.


Some signs of acrylonitrile exposure include:

  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Vomiting

Frequent exposure can irritate the nose, resulting in drainage, nosebleeds, and internal ulcers. Moreover, it is unlikely that a single, minor exposure, from which a person quickly recuperates, will have any delayed or long-term repercussions. A patient may experience heart, brain, or liver damage with a significant exposure. Worse, it might result in death.


Hazardous material exposure needs to be regularly assessed. This can entail taking samples from both your body and the area air. Blood and urine testing, together with other tests, may be used to determine whether severe exposure has harmed the liver, heart, or neurological system. 

See a doctor who is knowledgeable in occupational diseases if you believe you are having any health issues due to your work.

Before starting work and periodically thereafter, the following are advised for people with frequent or possibly high exposure:

  • Urine thiocyanate levels

The following measures are advised if symptoms appear if overexposure is thought to have occurred:

  • Liver function tests
  • Blood cyanide level
  • Chest x-ray 

Together with an examination, every evaluation should include a thorough history of previous and current symptoms. 


Treatment options should be considered for patients who exhibit substantial systemic toxicity symptoms or signs. Pure oxygen inhalation and, in cases of extreme exposure, particular antidotes, such as those used to cure cyanide poisoning, are employed as treatments for acrylonitrile exposure. Serious symptoms may necessitate hospitalization for the patient.


In locations where liquid acrylonitrile may come into contact with your eyes, you should wear splashproof protective goggles. Moreover, contact lenses must not be worn in locations where acrylonitrile may come into touch with the wearer’s eyes. Respirators should be used if local exhaust or enclosure is not being employed.

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