DIAPER RASH - WatsonsHealth


Diaper rash is a common form of inflamed skin or the one that indicates skin irritation in the diaper-area that causes your baby’s skin to sore and be scaly. This looks like a bright red skin patchwork on your baby’s bottom. Other words of this state include ammonia dermatitis, napkin dermatitis, and diaper dermatitis.

This condition is often related to skin sensitivity, infrequently changed diapers, and chafing.  It ordinarily affects infants and toddlers; however, anybody who wears a diaper regularly is a candidate to have the condition. Although there are various causes of diaper rash, contact irritation is the most common one.

More frequent diaper changing, air drying and ointment can help the rash disappear.

You can distinguish diaper rash by the following:

  • Red, tender-looking skin in the diaper area such as on buttocks, thighs and genitals
  • Changes in the baby’s mood.  The diaper rash is present when the diaper area is touched or watched and the baby cries or fusses, and also if he or she feels unease during diaper changing.
  • The involved skin may or may not have erosion of the superficial skin layers
  • There are pustules or small blisters

Keeping the skin of your baby as clean and as dry as possible is the best treatment for diaper rash.

However, if the rash keeps on returning despite home treatment, the following may be prescribed by your doctor:

  • An antifungal cream, if your baby has a fungal infection
  • A mild hydrocortisone (steroid) cream
  • Topical or oral antibiotics, if your baby has a bacterial infection

Only use creams or ointments with steroids if your baby’s pediatrician or dermatologist prescribes them because strong steroids or their frequent use can cause additional problems.

To make the urine less concentrated, let your baby take in more fluid. Children over 12 months of age can take cranberry juice. Avoid other juices that can make the urine more irritating.

Diaper rash may return repetitively and commonly, it may require a number of days to improve. Your doctor may suggest that your baby see a dermatologist, a specialist in skin conditions, if the rash continues despite prescription treatment.

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