PALEO DIET - WatsonsHealth


Refined foods, sugar and trans-fats are the root causes of many diseases like diabetes, obesity, heart disease and depression etc.

Paleo diet offers various health benefits than the normal diet, as it has unique nutritional approaches. This helps you to stay slim, energetic and strong.

You can eat fruits, vegetables, seafood, seeds and nuts and healthy fats. You have to avoid grains, dairy, legumes, starches, processed foods, sugars and alcohol.


You should consume a wide range of proteins from different animal sources. Your recommended protein sources are poultry, red meat, pork, organs like heart, kidney and liver, eggs, shellfish and fish.

You can cook in the form of broths and stocks with bones.

Fruits And Vegetables

Your healthy paleo diet should have fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and phytonutrients. Many degenerative diseases like diabetes and cancer risk are reduced by these phytonutrients.

The Good Fats

Eat more amounts of saturated fats including butter and coconut oil. Choose lamb tallow or beef over duck fat or lamb. Avocado, macadamia and olive oil are good fats. It is recommended to use them less in food and salads. Do not use them for cooking.

Good Carbs

Fresh or frozen veggies can be a good source of carbohydrates. They can be raw or cooked. Yams and sweet potatoes can serve as non-toxic carbs sources.

Say No to Legumes and Grains

Paleo diet cuts down legumes and grains. So there will be no rye, wheat, oats, barley, corn, peanuts, beans, peas and brown rice in your diet.

No Vegetable Seed Oils

Avoid partly-hydrogenated or hydrogenated and vegetable oils. This includes sunflower oil, peanut oil, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil and margarine.

Paleo diet can help improve blood lipids and can lead to weight loss. It can reduce pain related to autoimmunity.

It also helps in improving glucose tolerance, blood pressure and triglycerides. It suppresses appetite.

For better results, dietary changes should be accompanied by an active lifestyle with moderate exercises.

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