CHICKEN SKIN - WatsonsHealth


“Chicken skin” is a condition that is also known as kerastosis pilaris. This is a skin condition that is caused by keratin, a hard protein that builds up in the hair follicle. The keratin forms hardened skin that blocks the hair follicle to create rough bumps on the skin.

This is a very common skin disorder that affects people of all ages. There are many small, rough, raised reddish or brown bumps on the arms, legs, buttocks, and even the cheeks. This skin condition creates a “goose bumps” appearance. It is not physically appealing, but chicken skin is entirely harmless. It is even common in healthy people.


There are several types of chicken skin:

  • Keratosis Pilaris Rubra, which appear as red, inflamed bumps on arms, legs and face
  • Keratosis Pilaris Alba, which appear as rough, bumpy skin with no irritation
  • Keratosis Pilaris Rubra Faceii which appear as a reddish rash on the cheeks



Chicken skin appears as visible bumps appearing on the skin, with slight redness around bumps. There is also dry and itchy skin. There are many small, rough, raised reddish or brown bumps on the arms, legs, buttocks, and even the cheeks. This skin condition creates a “goose bumps” appearance.


The doctor will usually examine your skin and other tests may not be needed. The doctor may do dermoscopy to confirm the diagnosis and check whether a person with chicken skin is responding to treatment.

If bumps are bothersome, and if there are other signs and symptoms, contact your physician.



There’s no exact treatment for keratosis pilaris. Moisturizing lotions or creams may help your skin feel refreshed and better. If moisturizing and other self-care measures don’t help, your doctor may prescribe creams containing hydroxyl acid, salicylic acid and lactic acid to help remove dead skin.

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