Colfosceril Palmitate belongs to the class of lung surfactants that is used to treat respiratory diseases. It is specifically indicated to treat respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) among premature infants. Colfosceril palmitate aims to improve and reinflate a collapsed area of the lung by replacing the deficient or ineffective endogenous lung surfactant. This reduces the tension and stabilizes the alveoli to prevent it from collapsing.

This medication is used to treat respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) among premature infants.

The rapid improvement in arterial oxygen concentration can cause hyperoxaemia so continuous monitoring is required.

Aside from the benefits, this drug may bring some unwanted effects or complications. Report to the doctor any symptoms that may indicate the following:

  • Pulmonary air leak
  • Fall or rise in oxygen saturation
  • Apnea
  • Hypotension
  • Pneumonia
  • Seizures
  • Pulmonary Hemorrhage


Only trained medical personnel must undertake the use of this drug to infants weighing 500-700 g. Although this drug is beneficial to reduce mortality among infants with RDS, the use of colfosceril is so risky. Benefits versus risks should be carefully assessed beforehand because infants may still develop severe complications.



Drug interactions may either lessen the effectiveness of this drug or heighten the risk for severe side effects. Always ask for a doctor’s advice before using any other drug aside from Colfosceril palmitate.

The use of this medication is usually administered by a medical expert so overdosing is unlikely to happen.

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