Neck Strain - WatsonsHeaalth


A neck strain or sprain is when one or more neck muscles, ligaments or tendons are injured within the neck. Most minor neck strains heal in a reasonably quick amount of time.

Reasons for the neck stain can be one of the following:

  • Staying for a long time in an awkward position, like hunching over
  • Sleeping in a position that strains the neck, including with a pillow that is too high or too firm
  • Carrying a heavy object on one side of the body
  • Any kind of trauma that hurts the neck, like from whiplash in a car accident, or from a fall in which person lands on the top of the head

There are three types or classifications of neck pain:

  • Axial neck pain: It is Musculoskeletal, and is pure neck or soft tissue pain. Whiplash or muscle strain is an example.
  • Radiculopathy: Cervical radiculopathy means neck and arm pain due to nerve root compression. Symptoms include arm pain, numbness or weakness.
  • Myelopathy: Myelopathy is called pressure on the spinal cord, also referred to spinal cord compression. Symptoms include: neck pain with arm and/or leg weakness, numbness, or walking problems.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Pain with decreased level of motion
  • Unable to perform daily work or activities that one could do previously
  • Nerve irritation or a pinched nerve symptoms such as weakness, numbness, tingling, incoordination, and dizziness
  • Neck stiffness that radiates into the lower back when severe
  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, and breathing occur rarely


Pain can be treated using cold or heat therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, or even a gentle massage.

Many of the minor strains of tendons, muscles and ligaments in the neck heal in a short duration.


  • Applying ice or cold packs
  • Applying heat
  • Over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen or naproxen
  • Massage

If pain exists longer than two to three weeks, further evaluation is recommended.

Chiropractic care, Osteopathic manipulative therapy, acupuncture, or an evaluation by a physical therapist must all be taken into consideration.

Various treatments can be used to treat the person with constant pain, like home cervical traction, under the guidance of a doctor and physical therapist.

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